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RE: The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 3, DTube Video #1

in #hebrew7 years ago

Oh oh!!!!
Better late than never, though I'm reading this late but I just have to share my own thought
Idolatry isn't a good thing.
I was expecting learning of Hebrew language as usual but the one you posted is awesome, taking me back to what the Bible says about idolatry and how we shouldn't have anything g to do with it.
Nice post.
@hebrew keep making us remember about jehovah and teaching us his doctrines

I'm happy to have read this


Those were just a couple examples. Then there is the part about "You shall not make for yourself a god in the image of..."

We say OMG and "My god would never say...." Guess what? If it is not in line with the God, then it is a god that you imagine would never say (fill in the blank), order (fill in the blank) or allow x, y or z.