Full Force 30: THIRTY Episodes of Full Force Thursday Metal Completed with a Live Stream Tonight from Montreal

in #heavymetal7 years ago

It's Thorsday again, my dudes. Can you believe it's been three weeks since the last show post, and that I've been cooking up a sick playlist of French/Canadian metal for you, live from Montreal? Join me tonight and let's go full force.

I've been traveling for a week and I'm on the road, partying until the end of this one. Once again, I'm total balls at posting — but I get the feeling you guys are used to this by now. While last Thursday, I was on a plane during show time, this week I'm boots on the ground and boots to your teeth with a playlist inspired by the city currently keeping me well boozed and well mused: Montreal! Largely full of French Canadian bands and a wide range of sub-genres en anglais et francais, tonight should be a great time. So are you gonna listen, or what? I've missed your faces.

The other bonus? Here are TWO more killer playlists full of metal and hard rock delicacies for you. Tonight, I — crimsonclad, Miss Modness if you nasty — am doing a smorgasbord of frenchy delights. Yes, that means metal good enough to be called culinary, with a focus on Quebec and France in particular. Since I'm pretty terrible about posting, I definitely suggest you give @msp-waves a follow so you get a reminder about all our kickin' rad shows. But since I've captured your attention with my shiny new post, check out these two lists of over three and a quarter hours of heavy music from the last two live shows — we wrote dirty haikus (and in some cases, haican'ts) about me while wailing along with asiatic influences, then had our faces melted right the fuck off by the baddest female bosses in metal.

Tonight we raise a glass and salut, a party in the pond with the rest of the metal minnows... chatting, singing, or wearing berets to the PALnet Discord interactive audience channel! You can also listen to the radio directly on our site, through our Twitch stream, or in voice chat on Discord: harder, better, faster, stronger.... less bandwidth. WHAT TIME IS IT AGAIN?

Here are the last two shows' playlists for you to check out. In Episode 28, many haikus (crimkus, haikrims) were written, and here are the top four for your pleasure:

@soundwavesphoton (winner)

Rumbling Bass Drums
Dropping panties all the way
Full Force Thursday, bitch


Let the metal cock
penetrate deep within you
and bow down to Crim


Lustful drunken thought
A brazen flash of red hair
They do indeed match


Panty rejection
With dildo interceptions
Crimsonclad's lesson

Episode 29 landed on International Women's Day, and we celebrated some of the absolute most incredible contributions femme fatales have made to our beloved genre. It was wild, it was loud, it was strong, and it was an ode to the women of the world all the way around to the ladies of Steemit. I never think each week can get better than the last, and then we go ahead and blow that shit right out of the water with diverse tastes, open minds, and inappropriate friendships. Truly, my friends: with you, it is an honour.

Each of these shows get more interactive and more engaging — thanks to YOU guys.

Keep coming and chatting. Keep writing incredible odes to light depravity. Definitely keep giffing. Open the hug pit and go HARD. Yell, "Tarja was the best part of Nightwish," over and over. Discord allows me to show you right on my profile what I'm playing while I play it, so if you're there, you'll be able to keep up easily by watching the live feed, or clicking on my chat avatar! Hop on Spotify any time to follow the episodes that you love, follow me to stalk what I'm listening in real-time, or cherry pick your perfect poison off a list down below.

There's just nothing that I enjoy more than playing my favourite music really loud and shooting the shit with you guys. Thank you.


Follow Episode 28 to get the creative juices flowing

The ladies of Episode 29 are armed and dangerous

...and don't forget we now have The Full Force Thursday Master List of Epic Metal, Complete Fuckery, and Imminent Headbanging.

Everything I've ever played: 750 plus songs, 59 hours long, and growing!

So are you gonna listen LIVE TONIGHT, or what? Meet me every Thursday for a little excessive force.

Tune in live every Thursday night, 5pm PST//8pm EST//1am UTC. You can find all of our current shows and DJs on the MSP Waves homepage. Use the instructions there to listen on the site, use Twitch, an RTMP stream, or Discord to catch all the action. Check out our growing line of shows, and support this crazy, diverse Steemian backed MSPWaves broadcast network...all without pants.

*me, irl

Not a huge metal fan? That's okay... I always make sure to mix in accessible stuff with classics and new discoveries from all over the world, plus a bit of hard rock too! We spend tons of time just talking because it's impossible to shut me up. Did you tune in and hang out for any of these last two shows? Let me know what you thought! 🌶️

Hi, I'm Crimmi. I help run a top 20 STEEM witness with my project partner @followbtcnews. Feel free to reach out to us on Stemm.Chat or Discord any time! If we haven't earned your vote, please consider our tools, our work on Discord, and with STEEM.Chatvote for followbtcnews if you feel we're doing a good job.


Very interesting one of my favorite types of music is heavy metal

pop in some night! we're a great group and it's a fun place to meet friends and find new (old, whatever) music~

I am so sorry I missed this! I was busy sorting (champion) contest beer with some local friends who put on the Great American Beer Fest and World Beer Cup!

I have to check out this playlist @crimsonclad!

this is a perfect reason to miss it. I would happily spend hours sorting beer (into my mouth)~ I'm starting show recaps now, too, so you can keep livin' that exciting life!

Am I glad I stumbled on this post, chances of missing it today just lowered by 50%.

hahaha, but will increase again by at least 30% unless energy drinks are consumed :3

LOL I only found the post cuz you linked it in the chat. Plz do that!


You said today in the show that the name @crimsonclad bringer of death scares people off - I do not think that that is true, because when people tune into your show, the get hooked way before they can finish reading your entire name! That is just how addictive your show (& the community engagement that goes with it) is...
Untitled1.jpg Why the Fu@k else would I VOLUNTARILY stay awake every Thursday night / Fri Morning ?

Blessings to you and Hubby Cheers till next Thursday!

not hubby, just poor tortured best friend. (I will wear him down and he will like metal yet).. and thank you for the kind words~ honestly, it's the best way to meet faaaabulous minnows, isn't it?

Just a pleasure!

Excellent run down, very cool stuff. I was wondering if that link your home page is for a vote for you or another witness you support? I also wanted to thank you for your support in upvoting a few posts of mine lately it's a real boost to see people like you voting them! Thanks again! My curie trail is getting low on the voting power so I have to send you a bot upvote in my place, great post!

I'm hoping to keep building my steempower up so that I can keep lifting minnows and dolphins (whales too, but obviously, I want to impact distribution across a healthier economy). I may look biggish, but I'm a minnow myself yet! A thoughtful comment is always and often more appreciated than a little vote, so don't apologize for interacting and connecting. It's how you grow!

Thanks for asking about the link. It goes to a steemconnect approval for my witness, yes. I work in with my business partner @followbtcnews, and together we run a witness in the top 20 currently :)

Excellent, I will be plugging it in. Fairly soon I will be running an ongoing links to upvote witnesses that I have found as solid people that I have interacted with directly, and yours has definitely made the list. I am a big fan of getting the "emerging growth true believers," as I like to the call the category I feel you fit in, myself as well. The promotion of ongoing growth of people that are looking at the long term and have a genuine interest in seeing this grow out of "the internet's best kept secret." Thanks again, keep up the excellent work both of @crimsonclad and @followbtcnews!

Sweeeeeeet! My kind of music sweetheart! So glad I stumbled across your page, what you're about definitely sounds like my cup of tea! :) Totally checking out all of these...

stop by and chat along live some time! You can find us in the PALnet discord. You'll never meet a stranger, more delightful bunch of minnows~

Cool beans, thanks for telling me about it! Always looking to connect with others :)

The goal is always the same with each show. Show up, find one song I don't hate and might even like then run for the hills. I'll see you tonight. I might even have a glass of wine.

Usually I win you over at least once

Congratulations on #30. Gosh what a long trip it's been. That means this all began about 32-35 weeks ago. That's a bit mind bending. Especially the way it all spun out over that time. Today has presented much nostalgia for simpler, perhaps happier times.

3 weeks and then I miss out on this one. For good reason though...i’m In Japan! :)

ummmm that is an excellent reason. I didn't take a single photo (actually not even one) while away so no shame can be leveled! This will be the very first show to have a full, on the chain replay available, so it's basically like the universe said, yeah dude, go and get it~

wonderful heavymetal....i like it..
thank for sharing this it....


Just for you

pretty cool dude