What it means to be faithful to God

in #heavenbread6 years ago

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Revelation 2:10

"Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life"...

For a long time of my life I was wondering: What would it be to be faithful to God, then, I said to myself: I would like to keep faithfulness to God, but how would I do it?
I confess that I did not have the slightest idea who God was because I had been taught about an "unknown God"
Then time went by and I longed to please and know God I just did not know how
That's when I had the opportunity to have someone preach to me and tell me about Jesus the savior of the world
As the days went by, I learned the word through reading and I was able to find answers to many questions but the days went by and I always wondered the same thing
Days later I understood by the revealed word what for a long time I was trying to understand
How can I be faithful to God?
Fidelity is an attitude of someone who is loyal, faithful, constant and committed to the feelings, ideas, obligations assumed


Steps that I come to understand to keep fidelity to God:

I came to understand that to be faithful to God, not only was my disposition enough, but I needed him, I needed his strength, I needed his holy spirit, because in my human essence it was impossible to achieve this purpose.

I understood that to be faithful to God, I needed to obey and recognize Jesus Christ as my Lord, the only one in this world who deserves honor and glory ... I had to have Jesus Christ in my heart

Believing in Jesus Christ gave me an identity, taught me to understand that as children of God we have rights, but also duties to be fulfilled, taught me to be firm in many aspects of my life where there was insecurity because it also taught me to be firm in my convictions and to keep an unwavering identity before this system of things that every day the world wants to impart to us and drag us to them

I understood that I can not change my ideals for any culture, any means, any circumstance, any position because God is first than any other situation and what is written in the word can not change man no matter how powerful he is on this earth, because , our God is almighty
I understood that there are rules given by God and in the Bible there are the principles that govern the life of man

The world wants to push us into the system that they are immersed in but every day we must search the scriptures weep to God and implore his wisdom to be able to act and keep fidelity to the one who gave it all for us
I understood that there was a freedom beyond what the world could offer me, a true freedom that could not be given by any man a freedom of thought soul and spirit I understood those words spoken by the same Lord Jesus Christ:

"the one that the son of man libertare would be truly free "

I understood that God must be served with obedience even though the circumstances are not the most favorable, Jesus said: the faithful person in the minimum is also faithful in much, and the unjust person in the least is also unjust in much
There are things that seem insignificant and we pass unnoticed because we believe that they do not deserve to be taken care of and keep fidelity, but we must remember that if in a short time we were faithful in how much God will put us.


When I am faithful to God

There is a story in the Bible that from the day I read it impacted my life and it is the story of that young man named Daniel, and it did not impact me because of his ability, not because of his beauty, nor because of his intelligence ... intergrity and fidelity that this young man kept for God
Daniel had adopted an identity, unshakeable and unbreakable principles of the eternal father, wise to keep his position, then, Daniel was a type of Christ, and was not intimidated by the power of the king, on the contrary marked difference between all the men of the palace
Daniel 1: 9-14
Daniel demonstrated what his position was before the king, demonstrated his position regarding the sovereignty of God, he and his friends faced the death penalty for refusing to worship the golden image that the Nebuchadnezzar king had erected


Beloved brothers and friends:
Daniel had irrevocable principles of conviction of the divinity of God, therefore there was nothing greater for him than to keep fidelity to God
Faithfulness is an option that the man of God chooses to defeat everything that does not come from God and obey the Lord in everything
A person is faithful to God when he puts God first in everything when he gives first place to God in his life when he dies the desires of the flesh and begins to live according to the spirit

fidelity to God brings glorious and eternal blessings, in the book of apocalypse chapter 2:10 we read:
"Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life"

¡Being a Christian is obedience, it is perseverance, it is loyalty, it is fidelity!


Faithfulness to God is the main thing in our life, we can not say that we are faithful but we obey their commands and we walk in obedience.

Beautiful reflection, to be faithful to God must be our day to day, just as Daniel was, so we must be us, we must live for God, just as he did not contaminate himself with the king's food so we must not contaminate ourselves with what This world offers, when we are faithful to God we enjoy all his blessings and there is nothing better than living for God.

Many blessingsAmen @kenlys, thanks for commenting