Heat Wave

in #heatwave7 years ago


It's Canada Day and the temperatures have risen to 47C with the humidex. Humidex is a measure of how hot we feel. It is an equivalent scale intended for the general public to express the combined effects of warm temperatures and humidity. It provides a number that describes how hot people feel, much in the same way the equivalent chill temperature, or "wind chill factor," describes how cold people feel. Humidex is used as a measure of perceived heat that results from the combined effect of excessive humidity and high temperature*. (from Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety) The actual thermometer reading was just over 35C.

All I can say is it is really hot! I'm glad I have the opportunity to stay in my air conditioned house and beat the heat. Other years I might have ventured to the local fair but with the heat and Max still unable to do much with his injury I stayed home. I thought he might enjoy a chance to cool off so I filled the little pool I bought for him and brought him out to it. He would have nothing to do with it.

I mean really, his ancestors were swimming dogs. What's up with that? Half his heritage is Labrador Retriever and they are known for jumping into lakes and swimming to retrieve prey brought down. Well, truth be known he really isn't into the retrieve part either. When we play fetch he will excitedly chase after the ball but once retrieved he does not bring it back but continues on at high speed.

And so I left the pool on the lawn in case the birds or squirrels wanted a drink. The rock is for the birds to perch upon. The heat is expected to continue all this coming week.

And so this Canada Day Max and I are hiding in my room with two fans running and the radio turned up so he can't hear the fireworks. It seems to be working.


I hope you had a nice day...

swimming dogs

I have yet to see my dog swim either... he's supposed to be a swimmer