Our bodies have no need for an external source of Flouride. We already have calcium flouride in our bones in doses that are obviously safe and normal. Why would you possibly want to ingest a known neurotoxin in even the smallest dose if you do not need to? For years we have been told that Flouride reduces cavities etc but even that idea is starting to be proved wrong.
I agree that the body does require low levels of some elements that are considered toxic in high doses but I don't think Flouride is one of them. The flouride added to water and toothpaste is a industrial waste product I believe. Like I said before, I don't want to ingest anything, even in small doses that have no reason to be in my food/water and have been proven to cause harm.
Like you say, research is important and if people look into the history of Flouride, what we've been led to believe about it for decades and the reasons it started to be added to our toothpaste and food, I think more people would demand it was removed from water supplies and toothpaste because it has no real benefit at all and certainly not enough of a benefit to justify the daily ingestion of a neurotoxin.