Breastfeeding is a gift!

in #heath7 years ago


I am a firm believer in the power of a mother's milk! What a beautiful blessing we mothers are given to have the ability to provide such a beautiful gift to our babies. 

Breast milk is the perfect mix of vitamins, fat, enzymes and protein for a baby's growth and development. It is full of antibodies, building and strengthening a baby's immune system. Babies that are fed breast milk are less likely to have infections or become sick than babies that are fed substitutes. It can help prevent allergies and asthma, as well as many childhood illnesses. A mother's milk is custom made for her baby! A mother can collect pathogens from her baby's skin by kissing them, which helps the lymphatic system to create antibodies in her milk specific to the baby's environment. 

It is healthy for mothers, too! Breastfeeding helps the body to heal after birth, releases oxytocin (often referred to as the "love hormone"), which helps the mother to feel good, burns calories, and can help lower the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 


I don't understand why a woman would chose not to breastfeed. Don't get me wrong, I understand if there are specific reasons, like not being able to, not having a good supply, or working full-time, etc. And, believe me, I know what it is to experience severe nipple pain and breast infection. But when a healthy woman has no reason not to, I just don't understand why she wouldn't. It has been hypothesized that a woman who doesn't breastfeed may experience feelings of emotional and psychological loss because her body thinks that her baby has died. My mom has a lot of friends who didn't breastfeed, and I don't think they all had reasons why they didn't. Possibly because formula companies were in cahoots with heath care providers, who recommended using formula instead of breast milk. I'm so thankful for my mom giving me the gift of being breastfed.


My toddler breastfed until he was 22 months old and he has been extremely strong and healthy, only having had a couple mild cold bugs. Now I am breastfeeding my baby girl and I am savoring every moment. I didn't have the greatest experience with my first baby for the first four months of breastfeeding, but I fought through it and didn't give up because I knew how important breast milk was for my baby. Breastfeeding is a powerful bonding experience for mom and baby that I can't imagine choosing not to have! I'm so thankful for my ability to breastfeed my babies! 



Aw! I am so going to breastfeed my babies!! That is the only way that I will do it!!

It will be beautiful! :D

Mother is a....visible God....

Mothers are blessings, for sure!

Breastfeeding is extremely good in the first days of any child. Thanks for showing those who tend to wean their child in haste of its importance

Yes, it is so important!

Absolutely good article!

Breastfeeding fights infection and good for the child's immune system , good reads here @uglysweater

Yes, exactly! Thanks! 😊

My pleasure uglysweater, thanks for sharing valuable info ;)

Because they want their boobs to stay as they were before.
And than they can be attractive for some banging

This is ignorant.

Super proud of BFing my girl for 2 1/2 years. I loved it and it was so much easier for night feeds. So hard at the beginning so I do see why some Mamas don't continue. A breastfeeding mama needs a lot of support. I miss my little human, they're only small for a fleeting moment, I never believed anyone when they said that but it's true!!! I love being a Mum. Thanks for this most I also love seeing other mama's enjoying mumming ^_^

I agree! Support, support!
I love being a mama, too! And it does go by so quickly!

I’m a lucky Mama that had no trouble with breastfeeding :) I have 3 boys...14yr old/15months almost 3yrs old/14 months and 22 month old still breastfeeding... I think he will give me trouble weaning.

That's great! Way to go, Mama! 😊

I loved the way breastfeeding helped me lose the "baby weight" and get back into my regular clothes faster. :) And, of course, all the other benefits to Mom & Baby you mentioned. Great memories of bonding in a special way with my child that no one else could.

It's crazy how many calories are burned by breastfeeding! 😊
The bonding is so beautiful!

Absolutely good!!

Very beautiful post. Thanks for sharing!

God cant be everywhere so he created mother. Thanks for such gift god.

Mothers are beautiful gifts! :)

AWESOME WRITNGS! couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!!! first time mommy to my daughter who is 6 months old and we still do! :)

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Great post. My wife is a doula and you have hit the tip of the iceburg re the benefits of BFing. Unfortunately, with our 3rd (of 4) she got mastitis and was not able to nurse for as long as she hoped.
(BTW - I just joined Steemit today and this is my first post. I have not even written my intro yet. AND I became a grandfather today so this seemed like a good tag and post to hit.) Blessings to you as well.

Welcome to Steemit and congratulations!! 😁

It's one of those things where we humans actually connect with nature. We're mammals and that's why mama's feed their babies. First right of a newly born <3

I feel sad for babies that missed out. And wow, a human milk bank!

Exactly! ❤

mother is real god

I think it is awesome that you're able to express these opinions here and in turn, gain a bit from it. Keep these coming, obviously these kinds of topics make for great conversation here on steemit

I will keep it up! Thanks for your support, girlie!

Breastfeeding just may be the most important thing you can do for your baby.

Its true that most american woman are either not breastfeeding anymore or doing only a short time. This is do to propaganda from mega corporation conglomerate. They want people to be sicker (more meds and doctor visits) and also much more complacent. It is proven that children who do not breastfed are much easier to control.

Whats really funny is that EVERy baby on earth up until very recently grew up on breast milk hahaha DUH.

In most native culture around the world children still breastfeed at 2-4 years old.

I agree with you! It is vital for a newborn to be breastfed!

I appreciate that you are aware and can share awareness! I fear that they will stop at nothing to steer everyone aware from everything natural and beautiful!

Haha, I know, it's not a new concept to breastfeed, but somehow people question it and choose man-made chemical formula for their brand new baby. It doesn't make any sense!

It seems that the more modernized this country becomes, the more people stray from all things natural. Oh, the humanity!

Yes unfortunately it is disgustingly true.....

Grateful you at least see the easy natural and healthy way and are embracing it joyfully!



I am also very grateful you are sharing it here on the blockchain!

Until its normal for everyone we need as much quality sharing like this as possible!

I am definitely embracing it joyfully! 😁
I agree with you; we need to spread the joy of the nature and beauty of it so that it is normal again!
Blessings to you, as well!

Yes I have observed MANY times that not only is breastfeeding far superior to all other baby feeds but that REAL mothers actually very much enjoy breastfeeding their babies because of the intimate connection and exchange that takes place.

Breastfeeding is the best way for a mother to bond with her new child which creates an almost unbreakable connection that last a life time!

It is such an intimate connection! I can't imagine not wanting it! It is definitely an unbreakable bond that lasts a lifetime. It is so gratifying to know that your body was used to nourish your baby in the best possible way!

I am breastfeeding my baby girl too and I love it! 😍

Oh, me too! It's so amazing! :D

It's nice to see a post about breastfeeding. I thought it is a taboo topic. I do tandem breastfeeding with my 1year and 6mos.old son and 3month old baby. It's really challenging but rewarding at the same time knowing that your babies are healthy. Some establishments here in Phils. does not have breastfeeding stations but there are also some malls that are accomodating to breastfeeding mothers. They allow us to use dressing rooms to breastfeed. Compared to previous years, more and more people are aware and knowledgeable in breastfeeding. There are a lot of hospitals and doctors who are advocating breastfeeding. Hoping some day everyone is open about breastfeeding..maybe in the near future.

I'm still breastfeeding my toddler, and she's 2 years old. It's such an amazing bonding experience that sadly so many frown upon, get disgusted by, and don't understand. That's just it. They don't understand, because we've been conditioned to be so unnatural and removed from the complete human experience. Thanks for this article! :)

You're right, we've been so removed from natural human experiences! That's awesome you are still enjoying nursing your daughter! :)