The dangers of high blood pressure: harmful influences of hypertension on your body

in #heart7 years ago

A half of world's population suffers from hypertension (increased blood pressure). This disease is developing gradually, and it weakens most of the organs in the human body. It can be congenital and gained. When someone suffers from high blood pressure, his/her face skin is commonly unnaturally red and mottled. It happens due to increased blood flow in the blood vessels of the head.
If you are one of the persons who were diagnosed with high blood pressure, you certainly have these symptoms:

• Strong headache
• Tiredness and confusion
• Vision problems
• Chest pain
• Difficulties with breathing
• Irregular heartbeat
• Blood in the urine
• Pulsing in the chest, neck or ears

Negative influences of high blood pressure on the body systems

Cardiovascular system

Narrowed arteries appear as a consequence of high blood pressure. If the arteries are narrowed, the blood clot that was able to move normally now is being stuck in the artery. That leads to arterial blockage, which is the cause of the heart attack and stroke. Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) can be a sign of blocked heart arteries. High blood pressure leads to the heart failure. The symptoms are: tiredness, shortness of breath, swelling of the feet, ankles and stomach.

Nervous system

Damaged blood vessels can burst behind the eye causing the accumulation of liquids. This damage is known as choroidopathy. If you were diagnosed with choroidopathy, it is very possible that it was caused by high blood pressure. Some forms of dementia can be directly related to a reduced blood flow to the brain. Dementia is a set of mental difficulties caused by the brain damage. It is manifested through the difficulties with speaking, loss of memory, orientation, perception.

Skeletal system

High blood pressure prevents the binding of calcium in the body, which can lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis (bone porosity) is a disease of bone tissue. Because of this disease, the bones become fragile and easily broken. Apart from osteoporosis, other diseases of skeletal system appear too.

Reproductive system

When aroused, male sex organ needs additional blood. The narrow vessels can prevent this blood flow. It will be harder to achieve erection, as well as to obtain it. Problems with achieving orgasm are going to appear too, and it can often be absent in both sexes. In female sex organ, there is also increased blood flow while aroused. Narrowed blood vessels can contribute to decreased sexual desire and dryness of vagina.

Respiratory (breathing) system

As well as the brain and heart, lung arteries can also be damaged and blocked. When the lung artery is clogged, the one that carries the blood into lungs, pulmonary embolism takes place.

The causes of heart attack

Heart attack is a consequence of heart disease. Heart problems obstruct normal blood flow and the heart muscle's supply of oxygen. In that way, the death of heart muscle tissue takes place. High blood pressure, increased cholesterol in blood and triglycerides, lack of physical activity, obesity, and unhealthy life habits are the most common causes of a heart attack.

High blood pressure (hypertension) can cause additional damage to the heart and reduce its functions. It is the most common cause of heart disease and heart attack. It can further leave fatal physical and mental consequences on an individual. A heart attack is most commonly caused by narrowing of the arteries by the clusters of cholesterol. This bad cholesterol leads to arterial failure. The disease of heart arteries is one of the main causes of heart failure.

If the heart is not able to pump enough blood, heart insufficiency takes place. Heart insufficiency is a heart disease. It is being manifested through heart failure or heart weakness. It can be frequently heard that the doctor says to a patient that his/her heart is older than he/she is. That means that the patients do not take care of their life habits. They ignore high blood pressure and other conditions that lead to heart diseases.

Normalize your blood pressure naturally with Omega936 Project program

If you want to regulate your blood pressure permanently, this is the right solution for you. It is the completely natural solution which will help you to get your blood pressure back to normal. Omega936 Project is actually a book which is designed to help thousands of people to beat high blood pressure.

There are pieces of advice and steps in Omega936 Project book which will help you overturn the condition, and not only will they get your blood pressure to normal, but it will also stay there. Also, here you will find out how to discover the danger that threatens from numerous "healthy" ingredients. There are many types of food that seem to be healthy and that destroy your health. And you will be shocked to find out which ingredients that you use daily shouldn't be used anymore.

The Omega936 Project book appeared as a result of many years of research. It does not include the use of medications for lowering blood pressure. It contains abundance of useful advice which help you regulate your blood pressure. All pieces of advice are completely natural and their use will not lead to any side effects. It will help you regardless of whether you are dealing with high blood pressure for a year, or for 10 years. The only important thing is to follow the steps stated in the book. It's time to start living a healthy life, as soon as today.

Vegetarian nutrition to a normal blood pressure

Attention all meat lovers: if you replace a plate of pork steak by the plate of vegetables, it can significantly improve your health. Not only that it will improve your health, but also, it will cure you completely. It sounds absurd? It shouldn't. There are millions of advocates of this nutrition out there who will confirm that to you. They don't face the problems which those who negate this nutrition face:

• They don't have any problems with hypertension (high blood pressure);
• they are fifty, but they look 20 years younger;
• their skin, nails and teeth are healthier and nicer;
• there is no bad cholesterol in their vocabulary;
• they are not overweight;
• they live longer and enjoy life without struggle.

It is obligatory to reduce the intake of salts, the ones you add in the food yourself, as well as the ones in the processed ingredients. Excessive intake of salt is one more cause of high blood pressure. Also, it's mandatory to reduce the consumption of alcohol, and other harmful drinks. These are drinks such as coffee, energy drinks, processed juices. Instead, drink natural and homemade juices made of fresh, cold-pressed fruits and vegetables. This is a real vitamin bomb which will lower your blood pressure!

Gradually remove the ingredients of animal origin from your diet. In order to have blood pressure like when you were baby, you shouldn't eat animal meat according to Omega936 Project. With this beneficial and tasty nutrition, you will keep your blood pressure under control and maintain its normal values.


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