The idea of blood becomes water or harmful for the brain according to modern doctors to eat Tamarind, the idea is completely wrong.
The benefits of Tamarind to know:
1: Useful for heart disease.
2: High blood pressure keeps control.
3: Reduce Cholesterol in blood.
4: Reduce Body fat.
5: The heat of the stomach is very useful in burning your hands and feet.
6: It is useful to offer the chest, moving your head.
7: Benefits of stomach, constipation and stomach heat.
8: Tripe tamarind cough cure.
9: The juice of the tamarind leaves and eye lift.
10: If you have a wound in the mouth, it can be beneficial.
11: Useful for the brain.
12: Beneficial for cancer.
13: By eating garlic with Tamarind in 15, the blood fat is reduced.
14: Increase the nausea and vomiting the vomiting.
15: Tamarind leaves malaria fever.
16: Removes the worm of children's stomach.
17: Removes the pain of arthritis and joints.