Hi @dobartim, This is my entry:
Is a plant of the Zingiberáceas family. I grow ginger in pots because I have no land to plant.

The subterranean stem is a horizontal rhizome very appreciated for its aroma and spicy flavor. The plant reaches 90 cm in height, with long leaves of 20 cm.
Ginger originated in the tropical rainforests of India's subcontinent in South Asia, where ginger plants show considerable genetic variation.

As one of the first spices exported from the East, ginger arrived in Europe during the spice trade and was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

The rhizomes are used in most of the cuisines of the world through Asian cuisine. When they are tender, they are juicy and fleshy, with a strong flavor and are added as an ingredient in many dishes. The mature roots are fibrous and dry. The juice of the old rhizomes is extremely spicy and is often used as a spice in Chinese cuisine.