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RE: Healthy Garden Competition - ( The Prize Is 10 SBD ) - 10 Days - Day #9

in #healthygarden6 years ago
Throughout life is natural that sometimes have certain conditions and although it is always advisable to go to the specialist to be sure of what you really suffer, it is also worth clarifying that drugs are not always required as a palliative. The medicinal plants are proven that with their properties, they can turn out to be very beneficial for our health. Below I will talk about the medicinal plants that I own in my garden, at any time of life I use it to cure diseases to my family, friends and one or the other neighbor:
Basil plant
This type of plant is well known for its aroma and flavor, but many are unaware of its medicinal properties. This plant is used in the culinary part to aromatize the tomato-based sauces that we add to the pasta but it is also used as an alternative medicine for the ailments. It has analgesic, antiseptic, antipasmodic, digestive, diuretic and healing properties. Among the medicinal benefits we can mention: It is used for exhaustion, depression, migraine, insomnia. We can use it as dewormers, to increase the milk secretion of mothers. To enjoy the benefits of this plant can be used as an infusion and ointments.
Oregano Plant Orejon
This plant is commonly used to enhance the taste of foods without knowing that it has wonderful medicinal healing properties. Among the benefits that stand out I can mention the following: It is a source of Omega 3 and has minerals (magnesium, iron, copper, calcium and vitamins C, E, B and K), strengthening the bone system and protects us from osteoporosis . It has the ability to detoxify the liver and help eliminate toxins. For Hearing Inflammation: Take the well-washed leaves, place it in a large aluminum or steel scoop, then bring it to the low heat for 1 minute; the heat will cause a liquid to come off from leaves that serve to place it as drops in the inflamed ear. The dry oregano, being among the foods rich in fiber, helps to promote intestinal transit, also helping to control obesity. Also, it helps to treat diseases such as hyperthyroidism, is beneficial to the eyes, can help in the prevention of Parkinson's disease and contributes to the correct blood coagulation.
Toronjil plant
The plant of lemon balm possesses aromatic qualities, it is recommended as a sedative for the treatment of nervous heart diseases. In a situation of stress, it has the property of restoring personal balance, calms the heart muscle and re-establishes the normal rhythm of the heart. After meals they help to digest food better. Relieves intestinal cramps Indispensable for vomiting produced by gastric nerves, stomach gas and uterine spasms. For headaches such as headaches, headaches, migraines. Its narcotic effect added to the analgesic properties numbs the toothache and ear pain. It has the ability to cure skin problems so it can be used on wounds or sores. In case of stings of bees, ants and wasps. Helps eliminate bad breath, chewing a fresh leaf after each meal. Introduce some twigs in the cabinets of our house in addition to perfume clothing protects against possible attacks by insects.