Some of the major benefits are given below:
Improves and promote healthy digestion.
Increase digestive juices.
Relieve from constipation.
Improves the heart health.
Rich source of vitamin C.
Helps in the growth and maintenance of tissues.
Helps in fighting and preventing cancer.
Improves the functioning of liver.
Removes the toxins from the body.
Helps in loosing body weight.
Improves bones and teeth health.
Have antioxidants properties.
Have anti biotic propertiesHelps in lowering the high blood pressure.
Provide instant energy to the body.
Boosts the immune system of the body.
Balance the pH of the blood.
Helps in preventing cancer.
Removes the waste from the body.
Regulates bowel movements.
Improves the digestion process.
Improves the functioning of the liver.
Rich source of vitamin C.
Reduce oxidative stress.
Have detoxifying nature.
Rich in anti oxidants
Beneficial for hair and skin health.
Reduce the sugar level in blood.
Helps in lowering the blood pressure.
Improves oral health
Helps in making the skin tone lighter.
Protect against infections.
Helps in primary digestion.
Have anti aging property.
Fights kidney stones.
Lime is well known for curing scurvy.
Helps in rejuvenating the skin.
Washes away the waste from the body.
Rich source of Vitamin C.