Weight Loss Plan - Healthy juices

in #healthy6 years ago (edited)

Smoothies are quick and easy to prepare, you just need to know which fresh
fruits and vegetables to include. The following smoothie recipes can be used
with the action plan provided in the previous chapter – or you can simply use
these recipes for a tasty meal. In addition to the recipes listed below, you will
also find tips and suggestions for making your own smoothie recipes.
Experiment with Different Combinations of Fruits and Vegetables
As you explore these various smoothie recipes, feel free to substitute any of the
ingredients with a comparable fruit or vegetable. For example, if a recipe calls for
kale, you could replace the kale with an equal amount of spinach. If the recipe
calls for mango, you could replace with pineapple. Experiment with different
combinations of fruits and vegetables.
You should also try new fruits and vegetables that you have not tried before.
Every one to two weeks, when you go shopping for your produce, choose one
fruit or vegetable that you have not tried before. Find a way to include this fruit or
vegetable in the healthy recipes listed below or in a recipe of your own creation.
Now, on to the recipes. You will find 5 delicious smoothie recipes, all of which
can be used as a part of the Smoothie Weight Loss Action Plan.
The instructions mostly the same for all of the recipes. You will first pour any
liquids that are called for in the recipe into your blender. Then, add the fruit and
vegetables. Some fruit and vegetables will need to be peeled or chopped prior
to adding to your blender. For example, apples should be cored and peeled.
After adding the liquid and produce, add any other ingredients that may be
included, such as honey, ice, or various herbs and spices .

Blend until smooth and serve immediately. You can store leftovers in an airtight
container, but you may need to stir the contents before serving. Some
ingredients may require special preparation. For example, Chia seeds should be
soaked overnight before using in a smoothie recipe.Screenshot - 19_05_2018 , 16_25_54.png
First up is the Banana Oat Smoothie. This recipe contains a good source of
fiber and protein. The fiber from the oats and kefir will help get your digestive
system moving. Here is the ingredients list – remember, simply combine the
ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth:

1 banana

½ cup kale

¼ cup rolled oats

1 tablespoon Chia seeds (soaked overnight)

1 tablespoon almond butter

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 pinch of cinnamon

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Watermelon and Strawberry Smoothie

The Watermelon and Strawberry
Smoothie is a refreshing drink.
Have this for lunch or during the
middle of the day. The sugar
provided by the strawberries and
melon will get you through the
afternoon without causing a sugar
crash. Here are the ingredients
needed for the Watermelon and
Strawberry Smoothie:

¾ of a seedless watermelon

½ cup strawberries

½ cup spinach

½ cup plain yogurt

1/3 cup non-dairy milk

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

3 ice cubes

Cucumber and Spinach Smoothie
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The Cucumber and Spinach
Smoothie includes a variety of
healthy green ingredients, along
with some mango for added
flavor. Use the following
ingredients to prepare your
Cucumber and Spinach
1 handful spinach

1/2 a mango (chopped)

½ cup coconut water (or
coconut milk)

1 cup cucumber (chopped)

¼ jalapeno

pepper (chopped)

1 small handful cilantro

2 mint sprigs

1 lime (juiced)

Ginger Pear Green Smoothie
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The Ginger Pear Green Smoothie will help with the detoxification process.
Though, any of the smoothie recipes included in this guide can be used for
your detox. Use the following ingredients:

1 large pear

1 ripe banana

2 handfuls of kale

1-inch of freshly grated ginger

½ cup coconut water

The Pina Colada Smoothie
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The Pina Colada Smoothie provides
a great way to end the day. After a
long day of work, relax with the Pina
Colada Smoothie. You will need the
following ingredients:

½ cup frozen pineapple

½ cup spinach

1 teaspoon honey

1 tablespoon

shredded coconut

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup coconut milk

Substituting Ingredients

You may have noticed by now that the majority of these recipes include spinach.
Spinach and other green vegetables are often used as a base in smoothie

The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution

By filling your body with healthy fruits
and vegetables, you are supplying
yourself with beneficial vitamins and
minerals. When you include a variety of
different smoothies in your diet, you
are ensuring that you receive most of
your nutrients. Smoothies are also
easier for your body to digest than a
solid meal. This makes smoothies
great for cleansing your body, which
will improve your digestion, boost your
metabolism, and help you reach your
weight loss goals.
Use the Smoothie Weight Loss Action Plan and the other suggestions in this
guide to finally get in the best shape of your life. As you begin using the methods
outlined in this guide, you may occasionally find it difficult to resist certain
temptations, such as snacks or baked goods. If you stray from your smoothie
diet, do not get discouraged. And, do not wait to get back on track.
If only you could focus on a structured system to losing weight with smoothies,
and forget about trying to figure it all out on yourself..."good luck for all"