9 Foods That Naturally Cleanse Your Kidneys

in #healthy6 years ago

Did you know that your kidneys are responsible for removing waste products from your body? If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or hardening of the arteries, you may develop kidney disease, preventing your kidneys from doing the job they are supposed to.

Kidney disease is life-threatening, so wouldn’t you want to do everything you can to look after your kidneys and keep them clean? You can’t put a scrubbing brush to your internal organs, but you can try these nine foods. Pay attention to number three, it could save you from a lot of pain!

1. Leafy Greens

Your mom doesn’t go on about eating your leafy greens for no good reason; she obviously knows how beneficial they are for your kidneys!

Leafy greens are packed full of Vitamin C and K, along with fiber and folate. They also reduce your blood pressure, balance out your blood sugars, and reduce kidney stress. The best part is, there are many things you can do to make them attractive in your diet.

2. Cranberry Juice

Everyone knows that cranberry juice can be beneficial for urinary tract infections, but did you know it can also offer your kidneys a helping hand as well?

Drinking cranberry juice can cleanse your kidneys of one of the leading causes of kidney stones – calcium oxalate. However, it’s essential to choose organic or additive-free cranberry juice. The purer, the better. The upside is, cranberry juice is delicious as well as helpful!

3. Turmeric

Inflammation in your body can cause a range of conditions, with kidney disease being one of them. To cleanse your kidneys and give them a fighting chance, get your share of turmeric.

Turmeric contains curcumin which offers anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also beneficial for fighting kidney disease and those pesky stones. Add it to your rice, curries, stews, or even put it in a smoothie. Just make sure you don’t get it on your hands, as it stains!

4. Apples

People do say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but who would have thought that might be true? Because apples are packed full of fiber which absorbs toxins, it does its job by taking some of the hard work away from your kidneys.
Apples may also reduce inflammation in the body and work wonders for your digestive tract. Get chomping!

5. Garlic
Your kidneys rely on you to treat your body like a temple. Otherwise, they can fall victim to toxins and inflammation.

If you’re not all that good at doing what your body needs, then make sure you always include enough garlic in your diet.

6. Dandelion Leaves
While dandelion leaf tea is not all that pleasant to drink, your kidneys will love you for it. Dandelion leaves contain flavonoids – antioxidants that cleanse your kidneys and purify your blood. They can also reduce your blood pressure.

You can buy dandelion tea and leaves from many health stores, and you can also use the leaves in salads! If you’re prone to stress, there’s nothing like a cup of dandelion tea to start your day.

7. Olive Oil
Olive oil has a whole host of benefits for your body, but it can also be beneficial for the health of your kidneys as well.

Olive oil can lower your cholesterol, relieve pain associated with kidney stones, and work to reduce inflammation too. The best part is, it’s readily available and affordable to buy. Opt for extra-virgin olive oil if you can – it’s premium grade with no chemicals in the pressing process.

8. Lemon Juice
If you want to try something that will not only cleanse your kidneys but stop them from forming kidney stones, then set your sights on the humble lemon! Lemon juice increases your citrate levels, which stop kidney stones from wanting to form.

Forming a special lemon cleanse is easy. Squeeze four lemons into hot or cold water every day and drink it! Say goodbye to kidney stones and hello to a delicious kidney cleanse!

9. Ginger
Before you chomp down on some delicious gingerbread cookies, thinking it’s going to help cleanse your kidneys, take a read of this! Ginger, while delicious in baking, is more effective raw, powdered, juiced, as a spice, or in oil.

Ginger can help with nausea, pain, motion sickness, a loss of appetite, and even to reduce inflammation.

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