I agree completely. I am totally open to that idea as well. Also now I am regretting using the exact terminology of "human right", but it is really just the sentiment that we should put humans before profit that I wanted to convey in the title.
I can imagine people who would want to go to private insurance would even be able to not pay into the single payer healthcare system with some kind of proof when it comes to taxes. But honestly this seems like it would just complicate things more.
In my opinion, we should move to a streamlined single payer system using blockchain technology to keep patients records in their own control.
Not sure blockchain is the right technology. My understanding is limited, but I believe that the biggest benefit of the blockchain db is integrity, not confidentiality (which would be required for medical records).
There are actually a few projects that I think can have a great impact on the medical field. Patientory is a medical records project that let's patients keep their own records on the blockchain, and offers complete privacy. Dentacoin is some dental project. It's still so early in this space, but the potential is enormous.