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RE: After going through a really Hard Time... I decided to do an EMOTIONAL DETOX!

in #health7 years ago

I've never done an emotional detox, I've always tried to build my frustrations and to direct them. You are more of a Jedi while I'm a pent up rebel pilot. We're on the same team, but you know, you don't exactly approve of my ways : p

I just recently uploaded a dtube video of me making some juice, it's a short video meant to be a bit funny.

I think it's great you were there for your friend, it strikes a familiar chord in me. Life is so much more difficult to decode by yourself, we have natural tendencies to skew our own perceptions through myopia. This is why I insist in staying outside my comfort zone!

I know I said I do not emotionally detox, but I do like to dance :D It catalyses positive images in my mind, and it was a very special feeling to finally conquer inhibitions that always made me shy away from dancing. Not to mention you sweat like crazy, two for one detox!

I'll follow you for sharing positive and uplifting content!