My Weight Loss Journey: Day 1 - 198LBS/Pounds

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Daily Video

Weight In: 198LBS/Pounds

Current Goal & Game Plan

My goal is to get down to 170Lbs and hopefully lower my body fat % enough to get visible well define Abs. I'm working daiy 5-6 days per week; Weight lifting + cardio.

Nutrition and Diet

I do Intermittent fasting. Basically you have an eating window of 8 hours of less, Example you are only allow to eat from 12PM to 8PM every day. I'm going to be doing Intermittent fasting with 1-2 hours windows, I have done this before with great results. The longest fasts I've done are 72 hours without eating, I only do this once or twice per month.

Final Words

Thank you for taking the time to reading my post! and thank you very very so much for the comments and upvotes on my Introduction's Post: Hello Steemit Community! So Glad To Finally Be Part Of This Amazing Platform :)

Day 2 - 193LBS/Pounds

Have a wonderful & profitable day! :)


Hi @willbertphysique could you explain a bit more about Intermittent fasting? What do you mean by 1-2 hour window.

I also thought it was best not to eat past 6pm...could times be changed from 10am to 6pm? Thanks!

Hi @sngsteems :)

Yes you can do it 10am to 6pm, Intermittent fasting can be modify around your needs and goal; The shorter your eating window, the longer that your body with burn fat helping you lose weight. Because if we eat 12pm to 4pm, we will be fasting for 20 hours each day and our bodies are made to survive, so it will consume the fat it has for energy. For example last month I joined a transformation contest that last 8 weeks, during those 8 weeks I did intermittent fasting with 1-2 hours window + 48 hours fasts 1-2 times per week. See Results below.

196Lbs Vs 172Lbsds

Bare in mind that in after pic I had coconut oil in my body + lighting tricks.

Bonus Pics

I guess my question lies with 1-2 hour window. What do you mean eat every 1 to 2 hours?

Sorry for this late response. Eating window = Hours you have everyday to eat, in this case my eating window of 1-2 hours means that I'm only allow to eat from 3pm up to 5pm. Then I will eat the next day at 3pm. This will be a fast of 22 up to 23 hours, if I stop eating at 4pm. I know this can get a bit complicate, but I hope this explains it a bit better!

BTW just made my post for day 3!

Day 3 - 193Lbs/pounds

Déjame ver si lo entiendo. Haces "dietas" y comes entre horas 12pm a 8pm...pero hay días que solo comes durante SOLO dos horas? Que comes durante esas dos horas..asumo que importa mucho el tipo de comida que comas. Gracias por contestar!

Lo de 12PM a 8PM fue solo un ejemplo. Yo actualmente, y llevo ya mas de 2 años haciendolo, como en 4 horas. Ejemplo 12PM a 4PM. A las 4PM ya no como mas nada hasta el otro dia. Esto quiere decir que duro un periodo de 20 horas sin comer absolutamente nada, solo agua y los suplementos que tomo los cuales luego mostrare en un post que estoy planiando.

Para perder peso y mantener musculos (Ya que si perdemos peso rapidamente y no mantenemos musculos no nos veremos muy bien.) es esencial manterner un alto consumo de proteina y me explico: Todos los alimentos tienen cierta cantidad de proteinas, grasa, y carbohidratos.

En mi opinion la forma mas rapida para perder perso en cuestion de semana es una dieta alta en proteinas y baja en carbohidratos. Esto quiere decir que si quiere pesar 160Libras debo consumir como minimo 155gramos de proteina por dia y bajo carbohidratos los cuales solo van a provenir de vegetales ya que los carbohidratos de los vegetales no son los mismo que los del arroz, harina, etc

Espero esto aclare un poco mas :), si no pues me preguntas otra vez! Amo hablar de este tema y nunca me cansaria de hacerlo! #spanish

Muchas gracias por la aclaración! Entonces en tu caso, durante esas 4 horas que comes y cuanto?