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RE: Folk Remedies: Salt Therapy (halotherapy) Dtube Vlog

in #health6 years ago

You are correct that it is mined in Pakistan, but the mines are located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. Its a massive span of area. I find the mines and the sustainable mining practices they allegedly follow to be quite fascinating.

I would be curious to know about these "dead microbes" I could not find anything that mentioned this. I was under the understanding that it was the presence of trace minerals that caused the salt to be pink? I haven't really investigated it too intensely though. In all honesty, the ancient history of this salt being used for healing is really what got me using it. :)


Thank you for your response to spbeckman - whose input is also acknowledged here, but I think both of your questions and concerns might well be addressed in the book I cited in my comment above, Water & Salt, The Essence of Life, by Dr. Barbara Hendel, MD and biophysicist, Peter Ferreira, available at