Arthritis Herbal Remedy

in #health8 years ago

There are several simple remedies that can reduce pain in arthritic patients.

The first remedy suggests that you should take about four tablespoonfuls of castor oil every day. Castor oil will remove the toxins that are present in the joints and which cause pain. Additionally, if you have one cup of ginger tea every morning, your digestive system will function well. As a result of this, you will see that the pain in your joints has been reduced.

Another suggestion is that you crush about three cloves of garlic and then add them in a glass of milk that is diluted. Boil it properly, cool it, and then drink it before going to bed.

The third option that helps in flushing out toxins from the body is by depending on a liquid diet for one whole day. This will relieve arthritic patients from pain. You may also choose to eat only bananas as they provide minerals needed by the bones.

You may also try out the following.

Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water. Take this two times a day. You will be relieved of the pain in the joints.

If you massage the joints with warm coconut oil and a few pieces of camphor added to it, you will find that there is quick and considerable relief in the aching joints.

If the arthritic pain is acute, you may apply this paste of sandalwood on the affected joints. You will see that this helps you in the reduction of pain.

A herb, known as guggul, is also used to reduce the pain that is caused due to arthritis. But, in case arthritis has spread to the spinal column, guggul will no more remain effective. In such a situation, a herb known as the brihadvata chintamani will be quite effective. The dose in which this herb is taken depends on the severity of the pain.

So make sure that you follow at least one arthritis herbal remedy. It will help you a lot to relieve you of the pain in the joints and will make your living with arthritis an easier task.


Niacin ... vit B3 is good remedy for arthritis :)

Apple cider vingar?
I heard it helps


Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much