7 symptoms if they appear on your hands to be booked
We are always using our hands to do most of our tasks, but we can say to do all our tasks (God help those without hands). Some symptoms may appear on our hands but we do not give them much attention while It may indicate the presence of other diseases in the body, and for this reason we have collected 7 symptoms appear on the hand as a warning to the existence of other diseases in the body, including:
- Tunnel tunnel syndrome:
The disease occurs as a result of pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, and often begins to appear at night symptoms include pain and numbness in the fingers of the thumb, index finger and the middle may extend to reach the arm, and affects the disease people who carry out the work requires the use of the wrist and the strength of grip Such as data entry workers, butchers, construction workers, musicians and others, but in fact women are 3 times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. To avoid this disease, professionals who require wrist use are advised to take a break each time and do some stretching. Carpi between now and then, the treatment may be subjected to physical therapy sessions may be required in some cases, surgical intervention, but this of course depends on seeing the doctor in charge of the situation.
- Stress and fatigue of the nerves of the hand:
If your daily work or routine requires lifting heavy materials, you will put your hands under pressure and exhaustion. These actions put a lot of pressure on your nerves that are near the surface of the skin. Pain includes the fingers, the hands and the wrist.
- Spinal damage:
Sometimes pressure on the nerves in the spine causes pain in the small finger in the left hand. Therefore, if you feel numbness and pain in the fingers of the pinkie and the finger with the left hand, consult your doctor immediately.
- Vitamin deficiency:
The sensation of tingling in the fingers of the left hand or left leg may be due to the lack of essential vitamins such as vitamin B12, B6, B1 and E. These vitamins are most commonly found in foods such as avogado, broccoli, squash, pumpkin, chia seeds, almonds, bananas and tomatoes.
- Burger Disease:
The disease is caused by inflammation and coagulation of the small and medium-sized arteries and veins of the limbs. The most susceptible group is inhaled nicotine continuously (whether they are already smokers or passive smokers). Continuous inhalation of nicotine disrupts the flow of blood and leads to the lack of vital minerals in the body, This disease is a feeling of pain, numbness and ulcers, which may sometimes reach the gangrene and may lead to amputation of those limbs
- Circulatory problems:
The palms of the right hand are tingling due to constant pressure on the surface nerves or injury to the shoulder or hand joint, and there are some diseases such as cardiovascular diseases that cause the sensation of tingling in the right hand
If you feel a prick that extends from the foot to the arms, you may be diabetic. This is the first sign of the disease. This symptom is shown due to low blood flow in some areas caused by damage to fibers and nerve endings
It should be noted that only the doctor can determine the disease and guide you to the right treatment
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