We are co-sleepers!

in #health7 years ago


When I was pregnant with my son I knew that he would absolutely be sleeping in our room, next to me, when he was born. So we were looking for a bassinet that would fit next to the bed. We didn't end up finding one that would work for us, and then when he was born I felt silly for even looking. Of course he was going to sleep in the bed with us! It was so natural and perfect. I kept thinking, "who said that this wasn't the way it was supposed to be?" My son was as safe as could be; we responded to his every need right away and were able to get more sleep ourselves, both because we could reach him without getting up, and because we knew he was safe. I could open my eyes and see his chest rising and falling, hear his sweet breathing, and know that he was okay. I couldn't imagine him being anywhere else! 


We are now co-sleeping with our daughter and it has been beautiful. She isn't even two months old but she has already fallen into a day/night sleeping pattern because of us having her with us. She breathes perfectly, often in-sync with me, because she is right next to me. I am able to respond to her hunger as soon as she starts to stir, before she has time to cry and wake up, and I don't have to get out of bed myself, allowing us both to sleep well.

This post by Dr. Sears explains, "Our son, Dr. Jim, an avid sailor, offers a father’s viewpoint on co-sleeping sensitivity:

“People often ask me how a sailor gets any sleep when ocean racing solo. While sleeping, the lone sailor puts the boat on autopilot. Because the sailor is so in tune with his boat, if the wind shifts so that something is not quite right with the boat, the sailor will wake up.”

I know a lot of people disagree with co-sleeping, and that there're always going to be things that we do that people will disagree with. But I've learned that you have to do what you feel is right as a parent, regardless of what other people think. 

Our babies know they are loved. They are safe and warm with us and they are thriving. We are obviously doing something right! :)


You know what? We tried sleep training and it was the toughest thing ever. We listened to our son cry for well over an hour for up to a month. It was rough on all of us. And then we'd go on vacation or he'd be sick and it was back to square one. Ever since then, we said what the hell, splurged for a King bed and now we all co-sleep. He's much happier now and goes to bed without a problem. We all get more sleep too because if he wakes up, he just checks for us and then goes back to sleep.

Thanks for the great post!

That's great that you guys co-sleep now! They are only little once and they are never going to need you like this again!

Thanks for your comment!

The greatest love when our children's heart beat tunes our hearts rhythm as we put them peacefully to sleep. My wife and i experience this four times, boy, girl ,girl ,boy. Enjoy

Amen! All parents should follow their hearts and raise their children accordingly. You can read all the parenting books you want to and you will find it difficult to find two experts who agree on any thing. Do what is right for you and your children. Forget everyone else. They don't know you or your children.

I agree with you! 😊

Thanks for the post.

good post.


Beautiful post. Upvoted and followed.

Co-sleeping is one of the most natural things in the world and very safe. Any implied danger is probably used to hide other flaws in the healthcare system. Although i haven't validated this, I understand that in Japan, co-sleeping is commonplace until around 2-3 years old and they have the lowest infant mortality rate in the world. We have done it with our children.

You're right, it's one of the most natural things in the world! What happened that made people believe it wasn't?

I believe that about Japan having a low infant mortality rate!

I'm glad you enjoyed it with your children!

I remember when it was just normal to wake up with old squashed face right in my view. Although I ruined my back one year with a horrendous position, I still love that he is snuggly still despite being in his own room.

Haha, yes, you're definitely prone to odd sleeping posisitons with baby in the bed, but it's worth it! And yes, it makes them so snuggly! 😁

Yes, mama. All four babies slept with me. We live in Belize now, and it is totally commonplace here. So nice to live somewhere people aren't so weird about it.

That's awesome! I didn't know that about Belize. 😊

Lots of lovely things about this place. Lots of hard things too but worth it most days!

We also co-sleep, and I would be worried sick if my baby wasn't right next to me. She was born with a lot of fluid, so she would become very congested at night, to the point of choking on it. Having her right next to me is how I was able to respond quickly when it happened.

Exactly! Co-sleeping allows you to respond to baby immediately! It's so great that worked for you. 😊

I think co-sleeping is great as long as one is aware of the problem of sleep association. When a baby falls asleep, they check their environment. When they wake at night, often several times a night, and the environment has changed, they will try to set it right, but will cry when they cannot.

What we associate with sleep can become a very difficult pattern to break. For many adults, it might be a certain routine before bedtime, a certain side of the bed, or even what they wear. But adults can fix their environment if it changes and go back to sleep. Babies cannot.

I think co-sleeping is great. At some point however, as babies mature into toddlers, they must learn how to settle themselves to sleep.

I see what you're saying. It's often difficult to change your child's sleep routine without struggle, but that can be said no matter if they co-sleep or not.

Follow the path of your heart, and you won't be lost. Hugzzz

Thank you! What a beautiful quote!

I always loved my babies sleeping next to me.

Me too! 💖

Awesome post keep it up. I am new here so please guide me follow me.

Thanks! Welcome!

This is one of my sweetest memories...sleeping with my babies...

It's so beautiful! ❤

We co-sleep too!
Almost everyone I know does actually.
We parents need to stop being judgmental on each other's choices, we are all just trying our best , right?

Exactly! 😊

I love co-sleeping with my 2 year old boy, I am pretty sure he will let me know when he is ready to sleep alone, they grown up so fast, why not to enjoy this beautiful moment of life when our little ones are that: little😍

I agree with you! They grow too fast!