I really enjoyed reading this well thought out blog @kiwideb and I believe you have the right attitude in your replies to comments made. I am not a vegan but I believe my diet should always include a larger proportion of vegetables than anything else. Food is such an emotive subject and we all have our favourite 'go to' foods to perk us up emotionally. It is often those foods which are the most harmful to us.......unfortunately. It is not until we experience chronic health conditions that we are prepared to give up foods that we have grown up with and that we associate with happy memories if we learn that they are causing health issues. It take our brains a long while t o adjust to doing without the foods that become harmful when sickness occurs. I'm all for balance and the older I get the more motivated I am to be kind to my gut. It is much harder to undo damage caused by wrong eating than to prevent illness by practising life long, good eating habits. I'm sharing this in the hope that it will produce a lot more 'healthy' discussion and perhaps educate some on the changes that may be necessary to bring a better quality of life for them. Have a wonderful week my kiwi friend.
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I agree with every single thing you've said here! And part of that learning which foods will nourish and sustain you is learning that it is different for everybody. Another reason why we need to be able to have these conversations without judging another person's journey. The more chronically ill the population is getting, the more critical it is to know that there are lots of different ways to health, and to be able to explore the ones that seem like they will be most helpful, without being made to feel guilty. You have a great week too.
So true @kiwideb Our diet is not a case of ‘one size fits all’ or what is good for one person is good for another as we all have different hereditary weaknesses and our environment also plays an important part of our health.......as does our stress levels. I’m appreciating more and more the need to choose foods that are alkaline rather than those that will increase the acidity of the body. I also appreciate your willingness to pit your neck on the line with sharing your views but it is clear to me your heart is to help others and that is the important thing. Thank you for that. 🌺