Recovery from severe concussion

in #health7 years ago


Had a call from one of my patients recently, her 15 year old daughter J, who I also treat, had sustained a head injury and subsequent concussion at school the week before, Nasty incident of a fire door being flung open, and poor J completely unaware and on the wrong side of it. She was so dazed that she was hit twice by it before falling out the way.

She had to be collected from school and taken to the GP as she felt nauseous, and had a terrible headache. She couldn’t focus her eyes and was photophobic. The GP diagnosed severe concussion and sent her home with a warning to go straight to A&E if she was sick or her symptoms worsened.

A couple of days later the headache was unrelenting and the eyesight was still a problem, coupled with extreme tiredness. J had not been back to school and was unable to do any revision for her upcoming GCSEs. She went to A&E but was told it would take time to recover and could last weeks!
J has been given Arnica 30C after and a few doses over the week, but it wasn’t helping, she ended up coming to see me 6 days after her concussion.

Whilst she was with me I gave her one dose of Arnica 10M I just felt this needed a higher potency now, J slumped down onto my couch and was asleep within minutes of taking the Arnica and we let her sleep for a short time. When she woke up she said her headache had gone and she felt better.
I sent her home with some Helleborus 30c which is excellent for headaches caused by vision impairment after concussion. J slept again when she got home and a couple of doses of Helleborus have much improved the eye sight and is helping her study again. I also gave her some Hypericum 30c for the whiplash type injury she had to her neck.

A short and simple acute case that resolved easily. But it’s amazing in practice, how often I see people who tell me they’ve never been well since a head injury or trauma. These types of accidents can have long lasting consequences and I wonder if these accidents had been treated with homeopathy soon after they happened, what the health of that person would be like now?

With this in mind I have seen remedies address symptoms that have been deep-set within the body for many years. Time is no match for homeopathy, if a symptom is present from a long past event, it can still work its wonders and help the body to re-balance itself. It can do this with mental and emotional states as well as physical trauma

Arnica is an excellent remedy to have on hand. Every home should have some!


I found thison Amazon . What would you reccomend for adult use, they have 200ck, 30c and 6c?
Informative post. Thank you

Yes, 30c would probably be a good potency to have at home. To be honest I really like the first aid kits you can buy as they have Arnica in and many other useful ones for accidents, coughs and colds, bites and stings etc etc...

That is interesting. What would you recommend for poor sleep?

Ah! Well that’s a question. So homeopathy works on an individual level, it looks at you as a person, all your symptoms and habits and arrived at a remedy that covers all issues. So this blog was a simple acute situation and we know the cause (concussion) so we give Arnica as this is excellent for brain injuries, swellings, strokes etc. Sleep issues have a myriad of potential causes and I’m guessing it’s not a sudden thing? For this the only way to find the correct remedy is by having an appointment and going through everything. We homeopaths are very nosy! We need lots of info to find a constitutional remedy that is right for you.

It’s actually for my wife. I happen to sleep very well.
As for an appointment, we are in Florida, so quite far. Otherwise I’d love to do it.

Lucky you! And poor wife ☹️
I have clients all over the world. It’s the wonder of Skype 😊