Help! My child won't poo

in #health6 years ago (edited)


We’ve all been there with our children at some point, they won’t / can’t poo.

Its upsetting as a parent to watch your child in pain and struggling. Or maybe they seem quite happy to to go several days without going? A trip to the GP will usually result in either Laxido, Lactulose or Movicol, aimed to get them moving again, which usually they do, but what do you do when you have to rely on increasing doses of laxatives daily to keep your little ones bowels moving?
What happens once you’ve added sachet upon sachet daily? What help is there after the rather unpleasant Movicol disimpaction regime?

What I have learned after treating multiple cases of infant constipation is that the overwhelming majority of these cases, the child is afraid to poo. At some point it has been incredibly painful for them and they now avoid a repeat of the experience at all cost. Holding onto stools causes the bowel to expand and after repeated ignoring the ‘urge’ many children simply lose the sensation to go. Movicol does not address this! Many parents using Movicol will testify that despite the stools being softer the child will still fight the urge.

Sometimes in cases of extreme constipation or impaction there is an element of control. A young child is in control of very little in their environment, with the exception of sleep, eating and the potty/toilet. So often when they feel out of control they will start to look at places where they can kick back a bit.

Whatever the reason for the constipation, homeopathy is a very effective way of getting to the root cause. Matching remedies to symptoms, helping to calm the fear your child may be feeling, supporting the organs of the digestive system and using remedies that help a developing system all can be very beneficial in finding a long lasting solution to the problem.

Laxatives don’t work in this way. They are not looking to find the cause, as they assume the cause to be a physical back-up of stools, which technically it is, but the finer point that laxatives miss is that constipation is merely a symptom, and unless the bigger picture is taken into account then we get nowhere in resolving the problem effectively.

I’ve treated many cases of constipation in all ages from babies through to adults. Homeopathy is an invaluable tool in the treatment of bowel issues and the many individual triggers that cause such a problem to arise. Before you commit to a foreseeable future of laxatives, maybe consider homeopathy as a more natural and gentle option.

If you are struggling with this issue and would like to talk to me about what we can do to help, then do book a free consultation. Skype / online appointments available.