New Meds Help With Blood Pressure

in #health3 years ago

I've been taking a new blood pressure medicine over the past month or so. The Veteran's Affairs primary care doctor that I assigned to put me on a different medicine. After going over a history of NY blood pressures he informed me of a medicine that was good at stabilizing my blood pressure readings.

A current blood pressure medicine wasn't bringing down my numbers fast enough. I was constantly in the 110's for this previous medicine. However, the pharmacist called me and asked what I was taking. She coordinated my doc and now has me on a medication, Nifedipine. This one has worked extremely well to bring my numbers into the "green" zone.

Pictured, is this morning's reading. Also, I don't test just once but three and sometimes four times.





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The "side effects" of pharmaceuticals attempt to fix the symptoms are deadly in the medium to long term. Addressing the cause (not the symptoms) holistically can cure instead of kill, if you choose. In my opinion/and experienc.

Sat Nam

Oh I’m fully aware. I talk to my doctor exclusively. And my own med school training helps me understand the medications.

Respectfully, I think you must be very cautious when issuing statements like this one. I do believe that the body often and maybe usually has a natural ability to heal itself, and that is ideal, the gold standard.

Unfortunately, people have more serious problems sometimes. These are often due to modern life (although not always). Sometimes, there is no substitute for Western medicine.

Most of my father’s life, he was usually strong. He kept himself physically and mentally active. In his late 50's and early 60's, he had two heart attacks. Prior to these attacks, I was a huge proponent of "all natural medicine."

Well, there was nothing natural medicine could have done for his already blocked arteries. However, a Western surgeon with a stent (two stents) went in and repaired the damage. It is 15 years later. He is 84 and now needs open heart surgery.

I am not a huge fan of Western medicine, but it has given me at least an extra decade and a half with my father, so it makes me think it has its place.

Similarly, my daughter's half-brother was born with a tiny hole in his baby heart. Natural medicine cannot fix that, but an infant cardiologist can.

I believe in the middle way. I take pills for some things, vitamins for others, and I try to make healthy choices. I do agree that sometimes natural solutions such as supplements, diet, and targeted exercise can do more to cure someone than Western medicine. I like to think of them as yin and yang, helping to inform each other, helping us to heal ourselves.


Apologies for not replying sooner, I've been meaning to but not ready to yet. So for now, acknowledgement and thank you.

Sat Nam


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What a beautiful post

You do not need to take Nefidipine as suggested in the picture.
It is not known if you have ever had high blood pressure or heart disease, but now your blood pressure should not be taken at anti-hypertensive drugs. It can be bad for you if you continue to take the medicine . I'm giving as much feedback as I can, thank you.