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RE: Two Potentially Effective COVID-19 Treatments!

in #health5 years ago (edited)

Chill out, Rambo. While I assumed your politics, maybe wrongly, I at least had the couth to refrain from calling anyone an asshole for disagreeing...

Do I know every detail about the masks? Who does? I admit that I can be wrong.

I also state that part of the problem is the thickening political polarity and tribalism that's tearing our country apart right now. I couldn't agree with you more when you say things like "It is the corruption and tyrannical government that is a knife held to all our throats today." I believe in individual freedom above all else, to the point of borderline anarchy. I wholly agree that people shouldn't be made to wear a mask. The government should have never stepped in to begin with, and we should let any new virus sweep through and kill whomever doesn't take measures to keep themselves safe from any and all dangers. We know viruses can spread across the planet, so it shouldn't be up to the government to protect us from threats that result in a negligible death count. I apologize if my inflammatory comment didn't reflect my overall viewpoints.

I don't support Satanic pedophiles for multiple reasons. First and foremost, pedophilia is incredibly immoral and terrible. I condemn anyone who would think to take advantage of another life like that. Second, Satan isn't real, so there's that.


"I at least had the couth to refrain from calling anyone an asshole for disagreeing..."

As did I. Perhaps you read another reply and confused it with mine. The only person I called an asshole was Trump. You may disagree, but I reserve the right to my honest assessment of his character.

Since in your comment you all but directly accused folks of murder by not wearing masks, did directly state, falsely, that masks have ever been shown to reduce viral transmission, and expressed skepticism about the dangers of masks, which I have long been aware of as I have to paint from time to time, I thought to provide factual counterpoint.

You may find that 'Ramboesque', but I would call making false statements and accusing others based on misinformation rather more discourteous.

I also apologize for my tone, as I am quite distraught at the moment. I probably shouldn't be commenting right now, honestly. However, I did want to restate my recommendation that before you make 'inflammatory comment', to use your words, you undertake to look into the issue at hand. Knowing the facts is the best way to an informed decision IMHO.

Given your agreement with me, and I'm sure most Americans of sound mind, that malicious government has far overreached it's authority in this matter, and also that we are unnecessarily and tragically divided, I can only point to my last post which is on that very topic. I don't want to be thought your opponent in these matters upon which we agree.

I suggest that being of similar bent regarding freedom, we should agree on facts. Not knowing them and speaking derisively does prevent being united against corrupt and venal government.

I hope you agree.