I can see you are still new here and have a lot to learn. You've given a great post. I lie its originality. Just keep it up.
However, if you don't mind some advice from me, next time make it more explanatory. Make some pretty extensive researches and at the end, you will have a great article to present. At least 500 words with images only from public domains. Ensure you include the source for your images. Pixabay.com is one good place to get free CCO Licensed images. Then use the #steemstem tag and let's see how that turns out.
Link hereAlso try to join the #Steemstem community on Discord to learn how it works. . You can also follow @steemstem blog to read the new Distilleds and see how those posts are written. In no time, you're thriving already.
I am @teekingtv and I write STEM.
My man thanks a lot, believe me when I tell u everything u see there is original, am currently in my bsc nursing to soon go for my masters in nursing.so I have no reason to lie. I will follow all the guidelines u gave me God bless.