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RE: Internet, Chat-Room, Social Media(Steemit) Addiction

in #health7 years ago (edited)

"You prefer to read Steem, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit posts etc. as opposed to a book"

Yeah, I am going to have to disagree with that. Consuming media is consuming media. It's like saying that reading a book about sex jokes is "better" than reading a @steemstem article. It's not. Media consumption shouldn't be about the channel, but rather the content. Besides, there are some really good serialized books on steemit. I'd read some of them even if I left the platform. Just wouldn't be able to vote.

Also, you would not believe how much I've discovered through r/todayilearned .


ABSOLUTELY CORRECT @techslut,,,, people make this "Logical Fallacy" error all the time. One can NOT consider "SOURCE" in a logical argument,,, only the validity of the premises and the soundness of the logic used..... People like to give this argument all the time saying anything from the web can not be trusted,,, but if its in a book or a newspaper its somehow more accurate..... pure POPPYCOCK !

Appeal to Authority

@i-am-mark and @techslut I figured you guys may find these studies interesting.

These links are not to prove a point, but rather for you guys to have an open mind about the topic. If you believe in your heart that reading on the internet is better for you than actual books, you are certainly entitled to your opinion as is everyone in this world.

for me videos are better,,, I get more content quicker than reading,,, I like reading if i'm diving into technical stuff so that there is plenty of time to reflect and go over things,,, possibly again and again. I find many books overly verbose,,,, like I feel I could cut their word usage to 1/5th and still get all the meaning across.... but to each his own..... I basically only read books for technical learning. I never read for "pleasure",,, not my cup of tea.

Videos are too slow for my brain. I need to read.

LOL - my brain is too slow (unless I drop some acid - lol),,, and its very visual and loves to devour information...... so I'm "slow" but not completely ignorant! Here's to the Slow People !!!!!

So you're not so much slow, as visual. I am a text person. It's why I don't vlog.

no I'm slow (your too generous, thanx),,, it takes me a good day to process stuff that people I consider "really smart" can do on the fly or in an hour,,,, but I usually come up with a good analysis...... lol --- of course "smart" is a very subjective term....

It's not about the MEDIUM it's about the CONTENT. But I will read the links attached.

Also, where does kindle fall there? :P

anything from the web can not be trusted,,, but if its in a book or a newspaper its somehow more accurate

As someone who's written for both online and printed news publications, allow me to say pfffft. And you may quote me.

You can't trust shit, my friend. Everything is biased. Books, news online, news on TV and in papers and user content online. I take everything with a pinch of salt since I worked in media for 5 years. Also, took me another 5 to regain some faith in mankind.

I would have to agree,,,, everything needs to be looked at critically,,, just because it was written in a book does not necessarily mean it was more thought out or communicates more... A good writer can get more across in a short story than a crappy writer can do in a novel.

Although @kevinwong has a point if your just talking about HEADLINES.

I think the point made is that a book symbolises something more well-thought out instead of the more simplified, context-compressed stuff that misses out on details common in social media channels. The fact this post isn’t written in a “book” like form and getting such a reaction demonstrates that.

I believe in balance. I read books (mostly fiction), Facebook, steemit, work-related articles and just about any text that peeks my interest. I read quickly, so I am very quick to decide if something is worth my attention. As for the supposed value of books over other media -
all you need to do is peek on amazon to understand that it's a symbol, and nothing more. Form does not predict quality in content.

yup you're right, there's just more inclination to take large bodies of work that takes time to produce more seriously (or wholesomely) than tweets is all i'm saying. too much assumptions on both parts with context deprived material (which is short form). It's more like an art and skill these days though to be able to pack enough information for quick digest

Depends on the information you want to consume. If you're looking for news updates or current bitcoin trading trends, you're more likely to find them on twitter than in a book.

but @techslut, a book about sex jokes IS "better" that a Steemit spam blog

but a Post About Sex Jokes on Steemite.....well that can be something else entirely :D

Steemit: Come, Take A Seat, Look Around, Keep Visiting, Soon You'll Never Leave

source: wordpress

Hey come and give a shot and see how much you know about deep-learning by explaining the joke and at the same time promote learning AI.

Sounds like a post I should be tagged in. The main problem with books vs steemit? Books stay the same. Sex jokes on steemit? You can get fresh ones every day!