Do you just make stuff up? You're claiming the first case of Whooping Cough was1906. You know that's false.
No, it was the first time in was isolated in 1906, before 1906 it was labeled whooping cough as that is what happened to people who contracted the bacterium, after the confirmation (or isolation) of the bacterium it became labelled Pertussis.
You really have no clue what scarlett fever really is do you? You have no idea it's not eradicated as much as you'd like to's strep throat, something people get to this very day, something which some people react to by also showing signs of red blotchy bumps on their bodies. Yes it's true...thousands of people today get scarlett fever and it can be just as deadly as it was in the yester years.
You really need to look at the report mentioned in the chart. Look up the guys name and read it. They couldn't even have kept records on those mentioned in the chart as statically back then someone getting strep throat who didn't break out in bumps may have never been diagnosis as having scarlett they can't go back and say someone who was listed as coughing and high fever was scarlett fever because there was no way to confirm the bacterium in the body at the minus the red bumps they'd never known.
What this guy said was that with the invent (of minimal vaccines back then) that people's deaths weren't declining, he tried to attribute it to the vaccines causing a immunity problem so people couldn't fend off illnesses....but that wasn't true, what was true was that in the future they'd finally found the science that helped them isolate the bacterium or virus that was killing people. If what he was saying were held to be true then that would be like saying that because someone got a vaccine they'd never die of something else as the body should have been strong enough to fend it off...we know that's hog wash.
You can never stand being proven wrong but aren't you the guy who posted this:
Yeah, I book marked that. This is exactly what that is except it deals with illness vs climate change. Someone took what this guy said and attached labels of illnesses to it to further their anti vaccine agenda.
Now before you come back at me at least take the time to go read what this guys report was and see he doesn't mention anything other than the rates of death unattributed to any various causes. I gave you that much consideration you should have no problem doing the same.
I am glad you support Heller and agree with his assessment of climate science and political propaganda on the matter. You seem to fail to grasp that both vaccination and privatization of Earth's carbon are aspects of globalism.
You have indeed got the vaccination issue backwards. Just as AGW alarmists misrepresent relevant issues to facilitate their ultimate goal - which ordinary people do not understand - of privatization of Earth's carbon, Vaccine advocates mirror that propaganda to facilitate direct introduction of every possible genetic, toxic, psychoactive and medical intervention into civilians conceivable. You can compare the governmental mechanisms, enemedia propaganda, and indoctrination that has been undertaken on both issues and those exact same elements of disinformation and collectivation is impossible to miss.
Just as Heller's review of the evidence reveals that insuperable disinformation is how AGW alarmism is advanced, the chart's that @frot and I both posted reveal that same fact regarding vaccines.