Let's eat cheese let harmful disease free [sulaimanks]

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Everyone would want to be healthy and want to be a long life but to get it all is not easy like lazy exercise, lots of fatty foods that can endanger your health like heart disease and stroke is very feared everyone in this palanet
But there is good news there is good food that can prevent the coming of both diseases is cheese friends.

This is what experts say about cheese.
Reporting from the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers from Soochow University, China, conducted a study to evaluate 15 other studies that have been conducted in the United States and Europe. These studies were conducted to check the health condition of more than 200 thousand people after a certain diet program.

The result, those who regularly consume cheese with the amount of about the size of a matchbox every day can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 14 percent and stroke by 10 percent.

In this study, it was mentioned that those who consume cheese about 40 grams a day will have a lower risk for heart disease and strokes are caused by the content in the cheese that can increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Although cheese has a saturated fat content of calcium content in the cheese makes a variety of healthy nutrients from various foods can be absorbed well by the body not only that the acid content in cheese is also able to prevent the clogging of your arteries

Come friends enjoy cheese besides delicious can prevent heart disease and stroke.


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