It's all about sugar. It's in everything, even if it has no business being there. And if something does need to have sugar, the key is to avoid the high-fructose sugars at all costs. The trick is to read the ingredients on food for common things like bread and yogurt. If it says "sugar" that's great. If it says fructose, HFC, or a number of other fake sugars, put it back on the shelf.
I've been doing this for years and, although I'm also quite active, I can't keep any extra weight on me no matter how much I eat. You'll be suprised how much sugar is in things you wouldn't expect. I've also noticed that companies are starting to add regular sugar back in to their products more and more, so it's getting easier to find food that isn't so toxic.
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This is good to hear but likely isn't true for many products in USA because of some reason or another like a tax on any imported sugar and hence the cheap HFC syrup. I noticed back when I actually drank them that Coke tastes significantly different outside of US because they use sugar and not fructose.
I think that if a majority of overweight people simply heeded your advice here, and did nothing else, they would see a dramatic change in weight and overall health. For me, giving up sugar was easy but i can understand why it would be very difficult for others.