Woke up in a lot of pain. My wrist was killing me. I took a bad fall on my bike on the trails yesterday afternoon. Blood every where. Eat shit. Big time. My nose, my left knee, and my wrist.
I cleaned myself up. And worked out some more. My goal is to lose 25 lbs in 60 days. It was day 7. Can't stop just b.c. I fell. Took some aspirin and went to bed. Woke up and my wrist was swolen and bothering me. Decided go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry. Got x rays. No broken bones.
They gave me a splint and some ice. And some meds. Thank goodness. I have travel and lots to do. A wrist would have sucked big time. My nose looks like hell but no break. My nose is pretty flat. Hard to break. Hahaha.
Lip got bloodied. Hahaha.
Get well soon!
Hi @fanax Thank you my friend. :)
Sometimes in sports accidents happen, luckily it was not serious and you can continue with your plan, to be cured soon
Hola @entertainment123 I am lucky. Could of knocked a tooth out. Image a giant gap in my smile. hahaha Hope all is good with you.
Oh no! Speedy recovery.
Hey @themalera Thank you. Thank you.
Consider them battle scars in your fight to beat the dreaded yellow fat from your bones! ;)
blahahaha great way to look at it. Love it!!!!
Just tell people "you should see the other guy..." Hope you feel better soon!
O.K. I'll tell that to the folks in the meetups. Hahaha. Thanks for the advice pal. 😂😂😀