Can Reiki Cure Everything?

in #health4 days ago (edited)


There we go. The shortest article on Reiki you’ll ever read.

Or maybe not. Of course there’s more to such a grand question than a yes or no answer can provide.

Before we probe that grand question a little deeper, let’s take a quick and dirty look at what Reiki actually is.

Reiki is universal life energy. This energy is all around us and within us, and is limitless. This is a healing energy, and regularly working with it can have profound impacts on our health.

The practice of Reiki is the energy healing practice, by someone who is attuned to that energy, of channeling, directing, or facilitating its use.

Since Reiki energy is so powerful, and so abundant, it’s reasonable to ask if there isn’t anything Reiki can’t cure. But I don’t think that’s the right question to ask.

Curing vs. Healing

Reiki is capable of providing healing for a multitude of maladies. And it’s capable of providing healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Reiki can transcend the limitations of time and space.

And that’s exactly what it does. It provides healing on levels that are deep and personal. Of course it can help the physical body to heal from diseases or wounds. Our bodies do that naturally. Reiki is kind of like a turbo boost for that very natural function of healing.

But Reiki is a natural force. Just like the cycle of our lives, and ultimately our own mortality, are very natural things, Reiki doesn’t violate the simple principle that this mortal life must ultimately take another energetic form (whatever your belief system defines that as.)

So, there are some things Reiki cannot cure, because mortality is natural and normal and necessary.

But healing? Healing is another story entirely. If curing a disease is eliminating it on the physical level, healing is addressing it on one or more of the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual levels. Even if an ailment has no cure, healing is possible.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov:

Many times when we have an ailment, there are mental stressors involved that arose from the ailment, or contributed to the ailment. Since Reiki can provide healing on a mental level, it eliminates those factors contributing to the ailment. This is also true of emotional and spiritual stressors as well. And this is part of how Reiki has such profound impact on the healing process.

So, there may be physical ailments that cannot be cured, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t healing taking place surrounding that ailment and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stressors that might be associated with it.

The healing is always working.

Can’t Reiki Cure Bad Situations?

Reiki is often used to help deal with difficult life situations such as grief, or money woes, or relationship issues.

Maybe you know someone who has been working hard with Reiki to address money woes, and yet their woes persist. I’m going to use money as an example here, because it is such a physical part of this world and our personal goals and obstacles. And Reiki does not just magically add a few zeroes to your bank account.

But what Reiki does do is help to provide the mental and emotional clarity to do the work necessary to both earn an honest living AND to feel grateful living within one’s means. For many people, this is enough to alleviate many of our financial woes.

NOTE: This is NOT to say that poverty is a function of mindset, and that poor people just need to adjust their attitude and work harder. This kind of motivational speaker gaslighting is NOT how Reiki works. Systems of oppression ARE responsible for social and wealth inequality, and that is never the fault of the oppressed. But Reiki can help to energize and empower people to fight against these systems of oppression. All of that is a rant for another day.

Back on topic…

Generally speaking, Reiki goes where it’s needed and it works on consent. Negative situations involve many people and systems, and not all of them are ready, desiring, or consenting to healing. So, it’s possible that Reiki cannot eliminate a situation entirely. But it can provide the necessary healing and peace of mind to parties in a given situation that are consciously or unconsciously open to the healing power it provides.

What if Reiki didn’t cure X, Y, or Z?

If you’re working with Reiki, either by yourself or through receiving Reiki healing from a Reiki practitioner, and the outcome you’re seeking isn’t happening right away you may be asking yourself this is even working?

Photo by Arina Krasnikova:

One of the great things about Reiki is that it “goes where it’s needed.” Or to say it differently, the healing may be taking place gradually one one or more of the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual levels mentioned above.

Each of those four levels is progressively more personal, and more subtle. Healing may be taking place and it’s difficult to see until it can outwardly manifest. Just like a physical injury like a broken bone may not have observable improvement after one day or one Reiki session, if healing is required on one of these subtle levels, it is also not necessarily observable right away.

But, you can rest assured that wherever healing is needed, that’s where Reiki is going. It does so without requiring any direction from the recipient or from the Reiki practitioner giving the treatment. The body and the spirit and the Reiki energy itself have their own wisdom and will always ensure that the Reiki energy is used correctly for the recipient’s highest good and healing.

In The End

Anyone claiming that any kind of treatment is a cure-all, is probably selling snake oil. There are certain immutable, fundamental truths to the way our reality functions. Reiki is a fundamental part of the nature of things, and so it won’t violate the natural order of things. But Reiki is always working for you in your pursuit of health, happiness, and your highest good.