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RE: My Story With Antidepressants

in #health7 years ago

I have a bit of advise of my own!
I have been prescribed prescription medication as well.
But one of the worst GOD awful medications I was prescribed was Alprazolam "Xanax!
I now suffer from Drug Induced Bipolar Disorder brought about by my urge to silence some temporary anxiety I was having back in 2011.
I now go long extended periods of time (3 to 6) months or so in a Deep Crippling Depressive State, almost Catatonic.

There isn't a day that passes that I don't find myself wishing I could just go back in time, to the time before I took the Xanax and never swallow one of those things. :'(
No matter whether I feel good (HIGH) (Euphoric) on the UP side to the Bipolar symptoms or DOWN I just wish I could go back to NORMAL again.
The FDA Federal Food and Drug Administration allows these types of Medications to be prescribed to patients and it's WRONG on so many levels.
I feel that the FDA should be held accountable for their actions. Because their actions are coming at a HEFTY PRICE their decisions are destroying peoples lives.
I feel for you and your medication intake, I'm so sorry .