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RE: Law of Attraction Intro

in #health7 years ago

Hi Fuzzmaster. One aspect of the Law of Attraction that isn't discussed very much is exactly what you're describing. What does it mean when the LOA doesn't appear to work? My perspective on this is that the LOA is based on Energy, or Vibration. Vibrations are created by our conscious thoughts and feelings, but also by our subconscious beliefs and fears based on a lifetime of past experiences. I counsel people that when you are not experiencing the results you desire when applying conscious changes to your thoughts and feelings, it's now time to address the subconscious thoughts and feelings. Of course this can be done on your own but it takes the willingness to dive into the deeper, and darker, side of your Self. What scares you? What makes you feel helpless, weak or vulnerable? It is these aspects of your Self that need nurturing and caring so that they may come out of the darkness and let go of the fear, shame, guilt or whatever is holding you back. This in turn changes the unconscious vibrations and brings forth the efforts towards your desires.