in #health7 years ago


"Sharing health information through technology " - @slimt623


Processed food is natural food that has been altered in one way or another either for convenience, safety, taste or colour enhancer or simply to prolong food shelf life.

Not all processed foods are bad. Milk has to be pasteurized to kill the bacteria that can cause diseases in humans. Pasteurized milk has a long shelf life. Olives have to be processed so that Olive oil can be extracted.

Now think of it like this. If you are going to have this breakfast: bread, bacon, cornflakes with milk...all this food is processed. The reason I find it hard to indulge in some of the food I like is that I never know what is in it. I like my brown bread but I am told that it can have as many as 17 ingredients. Not only that but the ingredients are not written on the packaging! Some of the processed food has ingredients written on the package but many people don't understand them. How is an ordinary consumer supposed to know that tartrazine is called E102 or yellow dye number 5 in some countries.

Austria and Norway banned tartrazine because it causes allergic reactions such as asthma, some rashes, DNA damage, thyroid tumours and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It's still being investigated as cancer causing food. Sadly I checked the other day on a bottle of mazoe ...and it's there!

Hyperactivity in children has been thought to be caused or worsened by some food additives such as tartrazine. These children have reduced attention span, usually impulsive, can't sit still. They are easily labelled forgetful and impatient. They find it hard to organise and finish a given task and they can be described as frequent interuptors.

The problem is we have no clue on what we are eating even though it is labelled. Unfortunately a lot of food additives and preservatives are tested on animals and not enough has been done to follow after its effects in humans. Some of them that are found to be toxic in animals are still passed fit for consumption to humans but they say at a lesser dose.

It's not surprising though that these days one sees serious deformities in newly born babies and we ask the crystal ball who the enemy is. Similarly a lot of the diseases, conditions and cancers are springing up and we have no clue how to manage them. Cancers of the digestive tract are on sharp increase. Indeed we are what we eat and mankind has itself to blame, sadly so.

Genesis 1 v 11 & 12:
Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

God loves you
by Dr AJ

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