Fighting Cancer with Our Diets

in #health7 years ago

The prevalence of cancer these days is so alarming. I have had closed ones overcame the dreaded disease at the very onset. The first is my mum and the second my girl friend. My mum did'not go through surgery but my girl had a surgery, after she was detected with a lump during a routine examination. As a result of all these happenings, I decided to know more about the disease. I went looking for a book that could teach me a bit more about the relationship between nutrition and cancer. For example, I read the book: 'Eating against cancer' by Dr. Richard Béliveau and Dr. Denis Gingras. Reading This book has given me a deeper insight as to the role of nutrition in cancer control. It has given me a clear picture of what a daily diet should contain to best treat yourself preventatively and curatively against cancer through your diet. I found it so instructive that I would like to share it with people through the next summary.

If you know that everyone carries degenerated cells, I think it is important to work preventively here. In addition to other healthy lifestyle habits (eg enough exercise, no smoking, moderate alcohol and drugs, etc.) healthy nutrition is of great importance (nutrition is 30% responsible for the development of cancer).

If you have or have had cancer and you know that you can positively influence your healing process in a natural way, without side effects, think about integrating the following nutrients into your daily diet.

  1. Cabbage - this vegetable is a very potent anti cancer. It contains powerful antioxidants like vitamins A and C and phytonutrients such as thiocyanates, lutein and zeaxanthin.

  2. Garlic and onion - Garlic and its relatives (onion, leek and chives) inhibit the cancer by the damage of our mechanism by limiting carcinogens and by preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Eat like 2 fresh crushed or freshly squeezed cloves of garlic per day.

  1. Soy Bean - In addition to millet, barley, wheat and rice, soy is one of five called holy seeds. Soy is mainly against tumor development and angiogenesis. The good soy products are miso, soy sauce (tamari), tofu and in the first place the soy beans.

Soy supplements are not recommended. A good soy milk is the one that is mainly made from pure soy beans and not from it protein extracted from soy, to which all kinds of substances such as sugars have been added.

  1. Turmeric (yellow root) - This herb is strong to prevent angiogenesis. Has a great effect on the liver and helps against ovarian cancer.

It is important, for example, to put one teaspoon of turmeric per day in your bag of soup or salad and also half a teaspoon of pepper. In this way the substance that you need from turmeric is best absorbed.

  1. Green Tea - Every day three cups of green tea is anti-cancer and also help fights angiogenesis. The Japanese green tea (sorts: sencha, gyokuro or matcha) is the most suitable for this. The tea is best fresh every time (so not in a thermos) and let you pull for eight to ten minutes.

Passion for Small Fruits - Raspberry, strawberry, blueberries and cranberries prevent tumor growth and angiogenesis. They also force the degenerated cell to suicide. They are also strong antioxidants.

Blueberries and other berries can be deeply frozen and stored. Dried cranberries can be added to the grain flakes for breakfast.

  1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids - These fats counteract angiogenesis and stimulate apoptosis.

Omega 3 is found in oily fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon), flaxseed, soy and nuts. One to two oily fish per week or one daily soup spoons freshly ground flaxseed are recommended. Freshly ground linseed should be stored in the refrigerator.

It is better to take full foods with omega 3 than the supplements.


Tomatoes contain a substance that prevents tissue growth and is a strong antioxidant. To best absorb the substance that is responsible for this, you should best eat heated tomatoes (tomato paste) mixed with olive oil (and think of your garlic)


These fruits contain in addition to the vit. C anti-inflammatory substances and substances that prevent tumor development. They also have an antibiotic effect.


Red wine contains a substance that has only been processed in red wine in such a way that we can absorb it properly.

Daily one glass (125 ml) of red wine per day helps prevent cancer. Drinking red grape juice is also beneficial.


If you think that healthy and cancer-fighting food was 'boring', you may want to revise your opinion because besides the delicious berries and a glass of red wine, you can eat 25 gr fondant chocolate that contains 70% cocoa every day.

So, I hope you have given a feasible overview of those foods that have a positive influence in the field of cancer control.

Do not be put off by it. Experimenting, you will see how easy it is to integrate these nutrients on a daily basis.

A few tips:

-brocoli sprouts between your sandwich, with your warm meal

garlic in your soup, other vegetable stews

-sojayoghourt with berries, raspberries and strawberries

-tasty salads of ordinary curly salad and raw cabbage (red

and white cabbage) and fresh onions, including seeds such as pumpkin

pips and sunflower seeds, raw cauliflower, soft

steamed brocoli (and many other variations)

Other fruits and vegetables that are not mentioned in the nutricins remain important for their vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So you are certainly not blind to just the things mentioned.

I would like to mention that this 'targeted' diet is not an alternative medicine in itself but a positive healthy supplement to other treatments and this without negative side effects.

In the book itself are the following tips:

-stop smoking

-go less caloric food

-restricted red meat

  • avoid foods with carcinogenic ingredients (smoked meats and preservatives such as nitrite, salt)

-make a lot of exercise (3 to 5 hours of walking a week)

Know that these recommended portions per day must be viewed individually. Not everyone can, for example, tolerate dark chocolate every day. For some, the daily red wine will also be too much of a good thing. You can learn this by trial and error. Otherwise you can also be guided in this.