I've had CFS for 10 years and mine is caused by Tick Bite Fever, Malaria, Bilharzia, Endometriosis, H-pylori and Chlamidya Pneumonia ( Chronic lung infection, not STD).
I don't have the severe nerve pain symptoms that you have but I can relate to most of it. Brain fog, joint pain, depression, night sweats, nightmares etc.Wow @jealousyjane it sounds like your whole system is on fire! All those symptoms are from a body that is heavily inflamed.
It's so frustrating when the doctors don't believe it! The most valuable thing is finding a doctor who believes you. 'Don't believe in Fibro' bah! its not the tooth fairy!
Something that I have found to help with the joint and muscle pain to help remove the toxic buildup is either Activated Charcoal ( easier on the digestive system and easy to get hold of in capsule from) or Zeolite - a volcanic ash mineral supplement which is a universally used chelating agent. It pulls toxins and heavy metals out of your colon. I can feel a difference within 20 minutes of taking it. It's almost like I can hear the Windows startup sound🙂. It's just a supportive supplement.
Recently I've been getting nerve pain in my left hand. Exactly that pain that you're talking about where putting your hand in water feels like boiling oil. In the past the pain was in my right arm just at the elbow. I 've found it usually is linked to my liver being unhappy and has to do with a mineral difficiency. Taking a spoonfull of blackstrap molasses makes the fastest difference in my experience. I've tried painkillers and they do absolutely nothing, but the molasses helps. With the recent pain in my left hand and arm I took both molasses and Zeolite again ( I hadn't taken any in a long time) and by the next morning the pain was almost gone. There is a lot more going on than just a mineral difficiency but I have found little things that help while I wait for my body to heal.I'm currently on an antibiotic treatment cycle under a colleague of Dr Jadin http://cecilejadin.info/about-dr-cecile-jadin.html. to address the infections again.
We're each different and I know you're getting so many suggestions of things that 'help'. If it can help you I really recommend trying Zeolite and Molases.( the nastier the better) . It doesn't cure what's wrong, it just makes it a bit more bearable.
Have a look at the website that I linked you and see if anything she says resonates with you or makes sense.
Much love my fellow spoonie!