Are you taking care of your insides ? Your Choice is in your own hands !!

in #health8 years ago


Today's Topic: Are you taking care of your insides ?


Today's topic is on clean drinking water (pH 8.0 to 9.5) for your health and to prevent chronic diseases & critical illness, I like to focus on your insides, that is your body, blood, intestines, organs and bones.

While many people can spend a small fortune monthly to look on the outsides (such as cosmetics, hairdo, spa, etc) that is physical, they completely ignore the insides of their bodies which the vital organs keeps them alive and going in order to look even better.

Some people can take as much vitamins, supplements and minerals, but this only contributes 25% of your health.

Some people exercises a lot, which is good but if you take water containing chlorine and other sediments, your vital organs are forced to work overtime to remove them.

Since water consists 75% of our makeup, drinking clean water free of chlorine and other sediments is the BEST option to ensure all chemicals, pesticides and toxic are effectively remove from your body, to prevent the long term development of chronic diseases and critical illnesses.

Our tap water consists of chlorine added to kill bacteria and another component called "Lye" is added to make the water maintain its pH 7.0 reading, which makes it neutral and does not corrode the water pipes that bring water to your homes.

Acidic water will corrodes the water pipes system causing rusting of the entire piping system. 

If you have a ORP meter, and bother to do testing on fruits and veggies you eat everyday, you will be very surprises the amount of potential pesticides you swallow without knowing.

During farming of veggies and on fruit trees, water resistant pesticides are used to ensure it last a long long time for the insects to stay away for good. When you buy them from a supermarket, and these landed on your kitchen, the water resistant veggies and fruits are still present despite numerous washing from your normal tap water.

After years of eating these unseen water resistant pesticides, chronic diseases starts to develop and you blame "god".

Soda and many commercial drinks are heavy loaded with sugar and other minerals to make it sweet and give you that extra boost, including heavy promoted "exercise drinks". 

While you may enjoy that sweet drink and that extra boost, but if your body does not effectively remove those toxic and waste especially sugar, over a period of time diabetes adds another list to your health problems.

All Water are not created equal. The normal tap water, while generally good enough for drinking, but does not contain Anti-Oxidant, an important component that build resistant to becoming sick and ill.

Cancer, the Champion killer of all times in our stressful modern day, takes out 1 in 3, while the rest are taken out before their normal end of life, took the rest.

Cancer cells cannot survive in an alkanized body. Cancer cells develop because of too much acidic in our blood system that cause them to malfunction and cannibal other functioning cells to malfunction as well, until enough malfunction cells cause the body to die.

Every day, we are bombarded by the polluted air we breathe, pesticide infected food we eat, and the many unhealthy drinks we take. Plus the STRESS we have to endure to pay bills or the next housing loan due.

You may read on the news or media reports of people dropping dead suddenly but usually it is because of Stroke or Heart Attack.

Even if your surname is "Heng" (in chinese this mean "good luck"), it does not mean you will be lucky not to have a Stroke or Heart Attack, as they will strike you suddenly regardless what your surname is.

So, to keep good health, besides having to eat well, exercise well and sleep well, you need to drink clean pH 8.0 to 9.5 alkanized restructured water (only 5 places on earth now have this natural origin state of water) daily to help your body resistant to sickness and illness.

Many people whom were already dead did not get a chance to read this article, and maybe if they do, they can live longer.

Those whom are still alive and fortunate to read this article, I have managed to reach you. 

You now have a choice to live a good healthy life.

Your choice is in your own hand.

Don't say no one tell you all these in advance !!

If you want to know the Gift of Life and Why Water is not created equal, please email me. This 1st step can save your life or your loved one.

Thank you.

David Lim. 25 November 2016.


Watch this video on the insides.


Are there any filters or bubblers that alkanize the water?

The Water machine can produce 7 types of water, 3 types for cleaning alkanized drinking water pH 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5, 1 neutral water pH7.0, Beauty water pH6.0, Acidic water pH 2.5 & 11.5. This is not a filter, but a water machine made by a company 40 yrs in business and use in many Japanese hospitals and medical centre. If you write to my email:, I can send you all the related information. Or join my Facebook group -

Best rgds.

David Lim