A Day in the Life of Heavy Metal Poisoning

in #health7 years ago (edited)

If you think it sounds alarming, you'd be right.

Losing your train of thought. Crumbling under the pain of achy muscles and joints. Searching for words and drawing blanks. Feeling drained an hour after getting out of bed. Forgetting almost everything if it's not written down.

And that's not even the half of it.


In my case, it's mercury toxicity.

I've been detoxing for (what feels like so much longer than) two months now. I figured it's a good time to share my experience in case you or someone you know is going through something similar. Perspective is a great thing.

Step 1: Wake up after a good 8-hour night's sleep.

Even though I feel like I pulled an all-nighter when I wake up, getting eight or more hours of z's is crucial to the healing process. It often seems like it's doing nothing when I get out of bed feeling achy, spent, and "foggy," but sleep is priority numero uno while detoxing.

Step 2: Make fresh meals filled with chelating agents and selenium.

It's important that I make food from scratch three times a day. Time-consuming? Yes. Frustrating sometimes? Yes. Necessary for healing? You betcha!

Each meal, I try to include selenium-rich produce like:



  • Mushrooms (esp. shiitake and white button)
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Brazil nuts

Unfortunately, other high-selenium options are fish, cheese, and animal meat. Those don't work for me as a vegan, and fishies are the most likely cause of my mercury poisoning in the first place.

On top of those things, I incorporate as much of the powerful chelating agent, cilantro, as possible. The days I eat the most cilantro are highly correlated with intense body aches and brain fog. I'm sure that means it's working, but it bites the big one.


Step 3: Take yo' vitamins!

I'm working with a great doctor right now who prescribed these vitamins and supplements to help eliminate mercury in my body.


  • Betain Plus: 15 minutes before each meal
  • Vital Trace Minerals: 2x's/day (with meals)
  • Calcium Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite: 2x's/day (with meals)
  • Methyl B12 Plus: 3x's/day (with meals)
  • Vitality C: 1 scoop per day

Step 4: Reduce stress whenever and wherever possible.

It's surprisingly hard to do. Here are some things that have been helping me:

  • Avoid driving, especially during rush hour traffic times.
  • When I start feeling overwhelmed, meditate or take an 18-minute nap.
  • Don't spend time with energy vampires (you know, those people who live to complain, dump their problems on you, etc.)
  • Replace intense workouts with light to moderate exercise.
  • Resist the urge to cram a million things into one day. Spread out errands and tasks and take it easy. (Productivity junkies can relate to how difficult this one is.)
  • Skip caffeine and alcohol whenever possible.
  • Read, journal, and write blog posts when stress starts creeping in.

Step 5: Apply castor oil packs.

To stimulate and improve liver function, my naturopathic doctor recommended I start doing a castor oil pack for 20+ minutes, 5 times a week. Although I haven't noticed any good or bad things happening, it's supposed to help with detoxification, so I'm remaining diligent about it.

Step 6 (my personal favorite): Take daily Epsom salt baths.


Yasss. I never used to be a bath-taking gal, but I sure am now. I excitedly await nightly bath time each and every day because I feel immensely better afterward. The combination of Epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils literally suck the symptoms right from my body. Relaxed mind. Pain-free body. Reduced food reactions. Clearer skin. It's divine. Here's my recipe:

  • 2 handfuls Epsom salt (super scientific, I know; pretty sure that's about 1.5 cups)
  • 1 handful baking soda (a little less than a cup)
  • 6-8 drops of essential oils (I like lavender, geranium, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil)


Step 7: Get some lovin' from your sidekick therapy husky.

I can always count on Laska for a daily dose of cuteness and cuddles.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

And hope to feel better the next morning. And these are my days as of late...living the ol' mercury detox life.

C'est la vie, I suppose. When life hands you lemons, say thank you because they're quite detoxifying.

Have you dealt with heavy metal poisoning before? Know someone who did?

Share in the comments!

If you liked this post, follow me @sharingeverybite for more.


I'm so sorry you are having to do this detox. I know 2 people who've gone through it successfully and are doing very well, but it's quite a project! best wishes and great post.

Thanks for those kind words! It's quite a battle, that's for sure. Do you know what their methods for detoxing were? Or what metal they were eliminating?

I'm glad to learn you're getting better.

When did you get tested and what did the test results looked like.

Do you plan on getting re-tested after a certain time?

Take care!

Thanks @teamsteem! The first time I got tested was on October 5th last year. I'm hoping to be re-tested this month. These are my results (below). As you can see, my mercury is at 5.10 when the highest clinical range is 0.8.

brittany heavy metals testing results october 2017.jpg

Hmm. Also mercury has a synergistic toxicity with aluminium among others.

I consider Chris Shade to be one of the top mercury toxicity expert. This interview is super interesting though it take sometime before it goes into the specific you might want to take a look at it. The first 5 minutes of the interview make it clear with Chris is truly a leading expert in the field and as the interview advance this only comes clearer.

His company patented a very specific mercury test and sell some detox product which might be worth looking at:

Accessible in the UK, @teamsteem, do you know?

I don't know but possibly.

Damn girl! You’re doing all the right things I wish you a speedy recovery - and knowing how to de stress and eat right will serve you long after detoxing even if it feels like a drag now 💕

Thank you :) and amen to that! Stress is one of the most damaging things to the body. I'm glad to be learning these things in my 20s.

that's right! funny how a toxic element detox also can bleed into a toxic people and toxic habits detox too- the earlier you can figure it out the better! I'm rooting for you love, and of course hoping you feel better physically real soon <3

This is the reason I will not buy any dishes or flatware made in China or other countries will low environmental standards. It's worth paying a little bit more for something you know won't harm you. Best of luck to you in your recovery!

PS cute pupper :)

So true... it's impossible to know what exactly is in the products we use and food we eat. It's getting pretty bad in the US, too. Can't trust anyone these days!

And thank you :)

Hello. How are you doing now? I have mercury poisoning too and also M.E. I am doing the Andy cutler protocol which is currently saving my life and also eating a low sulfur diet eliminates headaches and tremors. Would love to know how you are and where you're at with your detox.

Sorry to hear you're dealing with this too! I'm not familiar with the Andy Cutler Protocol, so I'll have to look into that more.

As for my progress, there seem to be small improvements week after week. Nothing hugely noticeable, but I'll take any bit of improvement when I can get it. I've felt less fatigued than in recent months and can eat a larger variety of food without it sitting in my stomach for ages.

My doctor recently started me on an even longer list of vitamins/supplements. Thankfully, I'm not getting the body aches and migraines much anymore, though I'm not sure if that just means less is being detoxed out of me than before. I continue to try and eat large amounts of cilantro as often as possible.

Interesting about the brain fog & body aches after eating cilantro. (I am definitely not telling anyone what to do) But more FYI, part of the AC protocol is absolutely no cilantro, not even a little bit. The reason is the ability cilantro has to redistribute heavy metals, without actually removing them. Definitely look in to the protocol, they have a group on facebook which is really helpful it tells you everything you need to know. One lady reversed her MS, and others are making full recoveries, although it can take years. It's also quite hard to even start because of our amazing brain fog and confusion lol. Anyway here's the link, I have just finished round 3 & while I'm on round it's like all my symptoms lift. It is very low dose & frequent chelation. Let's get better & keep spreading the word, imagine how many people are suffering not knowing the cause.



Good knowledge post. +

Nice day sista @sharingeveribite
Enjoyed your life 💁💆💅💃

Where from you got this poisoning?

It's really hard to say. I may have had mercury fillings when I was younger (thankfully those were baby teeth and have fallen out). It's possible it's from eating mahi-mahi, salmon, and ahi tuna when I was trying to add extra protein in my diet due to increasing food sensitivities. Or it could have gotten into my body from an unknown environmental factor, like paint or sketchy products.

Nowadays you can't really be sure of anything. Hope you will be fine soon. A good diet might be a chance not to get too much poison in your body.

It’ll have come in from thimerisol in vaccines if you had them before they removed it. It’s still in multi dose vaccines like the flu vaccines where they draw multiple doses from the same vial.

Out of curiosity - how did you get heavy metal poisoning?

@mikeycolon It's really hard to say. I may have had mercury fillings when I was younger (thankfully those were baby teeth and have fallen out). It's possible it's from eating mahi-mahi, salmon, and ahi tuna when I was trying to add extra protein in my diet due to increasing food sensitivities during this past year. Or it could have gotten into my body from an unknown environmental factor, like paint or sketchy products/ingredients.

Holy cow! Sorry about that. I'm sure if you keep searching for alternative remedies you'll find something. For every ailment - there's a cure. The problem is cures are suppressed. Keep fighting!

Sorry to hear you're going through this. I'm curious how you found out that it's heavy metals that are causing your problems?
It sounds like you have a great regimen to make yourself well again. If I can recommend anything - listen to some Solfeggio tones (free on youtube) and or purchase a mind-body balancing audio program such as Holosync of Hemi-Sync. They will do wonders to boost your body's natural healing abilities. They have embedded frequencies within soft music and natural sounds that when you listen to alpha and theta sound waves, really give the system a boost. Hope this may help.
Keep healing and feeling better.

Hey @hypnopreneur! I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Somehow I missed your comment! To answer your question, I found out by doing a specific heavy metal test where they gather a large sample of hair from the lower part of the scalp.

I'll check out those Solfeggio tones, thanks for the recommendation. That's something I've never heard about before. Anything that can speed up the recovery, I'm on board! :)

No problem and thanks for getting back to me when you did. :) The reason I asked is that if this test is not extremely expensive and difficult to get done I will probably want to do it myself. I've got quite a few silver mercury filings from back when I was younger and idiotic "Doctors" of Dentistry thought it was ok to do things this way. If you can give me a name / or what the process is called and anything else about it, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll even tip some SBD for taking up your time to do so. :)

Oh and if you're listening to the Solfeggio tones through youtube, a channel called Meditative Mind is my favorite - they have tons of great ones.

The hair sample test isn't too expensive, but the blood samples can be. I could refer you to the doctor who did my testing if you'd like! I'm sure he could help you find an at-home test kit or a doctor in your area. If you'd feel comfortable providing your email, I'll do an intro for you. If not, I can give you his info and you can reach out. Let me know! :)

I ended up listening to a few the other day while working and it seemed to relax me more than not having anything on. I'll have to check out that channel, thanks!

I'm really glad you felt some benefits from listening to the healing tones. They have a cumulative effect, sort of like exercise for your mind. So after your first few listens you may well start to notice a progressive effect in helping you relax more fully.

Would you really send me those things? That would be wonderful! I usually try to do at least one type of cleanse / detox every year and your post really got me thinking. Because I know how toxic mercury is to the body and not really sure at all about what it's done / doing to my body by having mercury fillings. My email is df.philly@gmail.com any additional info, names of test, doctors, referrals etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)

Definitely dealing with an element or two of this! This is a great post. It’s informative, quite upbeat considering the topic! Nice husky! Good advice. ❤️
I’m gettihg ready to have all my amalgams removed. Hopefully when I’m dkne my teenage daughter will stop yelling at me because she already (apparently) told me there are 4 grading exam points for piano per year not two! She’ll stop telling me I’m ‘not confronting my Alzheimer’s!’ (I DON’T have Alzheimer’s of course. I have high merc.). Once my amalgams are out I’ll begin to detox merc homeopathically. Right now I’m nervous to do that (it’s my day job as a Homeopath to detox people from meds and metals) because I still have a bunch of amalgams in my teeth and I know one case where someone over did the merc Homeopathic for a triginal neuralgia and her body built a granuloma below the only filled tooth she had and pushed it half out (she really DID take a lot).
I like the methods you are describing here in the meantime. I’m gonna our more of them in place for myself.
Good luck with your healing journey.

Hi @sallylloyd! So sorry I missed this comment a while back. Have you gotten those amalgams removed yet? Hope you're making some progress homeopathically either way. It's a rough road, but totally worth it! The "Alzheimer's" and memory issues are seriously no fun. For a while there, I thought I was going crazy—couldn't remember a damn thing!

Yes! Last week! It felt like my birthday. I felt different as soon as they were out. My dentist told me people often say they feel immediate difference. He thinks it might be an electrical charge thing from having metal in your mouth.
I’m about to start an amalgam detox.
He did a great job of extracting them. He drilled round the edge of the tooth next to the amalgams to not disturb them and popped them out pretty much whole. I had a clean air supply to breath from and they pumped the air from the vicinity whilst he worked.
I didn’t get the mental/memory problems I usually suffered from in the past when having them put in or removed.
Will keep you posted how the detox goes.
Thanks for asking after me ❤️

That is so encouraging to hear! I'm SO glad for you. Can't even imagine what a difference you're probably experiencing since having those removed from your body. Best of luck with the detox! Keep me updated, we're in this together. :)

Will do. Xx

Interesting. My wife has epilepsy and arthritis from having been fully vaccinated in the early 90s. We've been working on detoxing and using cannabis to treat the epilepsy for years now. This article will prove helpful I'm sure.

I'm sorry to hear that, what a terrible thing to deal with. I got a bunch of vaccines in the 90s as well, so it's likely that's part of the problem. Hopefully some of my experiences do end up helping your wife. If there's anything else I can share that might be useful don't be afraid to ask.

Thanks for getting back to me. I just started using Busy so I guess it'll be easier to see replies. She's still waiting for her account to be approved. I told her about you.

I need to try using Busy more as well! The interface sure does make it easier to navigate the communication side of things.

Aw, thanks! Hopefully the approval process happens swiftly! :)