The Ulitmate Human ~1st Part

in #health8 years ago (edited)

We first saw our ancestors trying to create the image of a perfect human by creating Gods. The ancient Greeks created the Gods of Olympus, Gods in the image of man, which were divine immortal humans, but even they were divine they had jealousy and hatred within them. Could a man be better? Are we divine? What we have to do in order to arrive such a state?

It is true that every human has a different "perfect" in his eyes -if that perfect exists at the first place, which we all know it does not, however, we can try getting as close as possible to the image of a "perfect human", or a "perfect life", which nowadays is shaped by two things:

  • The brainwashing that we have received by the media, movies and songs -as our subconscious is shaped to like what we are told to.


  • Our parents. The apple does not fall far from the tree and children have their parents as their models, and if the actions that we choose to make are influenced by them and are the same as them, we most probably would end up like them.

Below I am trying to explain how a perfect body and mind would look like, and to do so I have to set the right questions which will lead to the right answers, answers which will create an "image" and that has to be followed by actions which would lead to results.
Simply putted: Desired Result = Image(map) + persistance(Action.)

~ Body

Now being influenced by our parents can be good, but it could be bad too. My dad, for example, is a healthy guy. Never smoked/drunk, has been keeping his body in a great shape by doing sports, swimming regularly and hitting the gym. I followed his steps on that, not smoking/drinking and keeping my body healthy, and it was easy for me to do so, as subconsciously I must have been influenced by him. However, not all of us have the same background, and a background is sometimes not chosen by us -at least at the beginning of our life.

We must agree though, that a body not only is more attractive when it is in a good shape, but it gives us advantages in our daily life, advantages such as stamina, efficient results, and makes us more attractive towards to the opposite gender. Now if you ask me why do we find a healthy and athletic body more attractive, I would tell you that is probably because our DNA is linked with our primitive form, as back at the days when we were hunter gatherers, the human with the stronger/better body would mean more food to the group, meaning that he would become the leader of the pack. A female is searching for the man with the best genes, so her children would be the "best" one, and the male would search for the female with the best genes for reproduction too.

Nowadays we don't need a perfect body to provide our "pack" with shelter and food, though an athletic body would guarantee us a more healthy long life.

Isn't that something that we all would want?

As we mentioned before, there is only one formula for achieving the desired result: Having a clear image of what you want and taking action towards it.

That means that in order to have a healthy body, we must build it. There are quite a few options that one could suggest here. Personally, I do not like gyms, as I find them quite boring, and the reason people usually drop gyms is because they find them boring too. The alternative here, which I highly recommend, is to do sports.

The positivities:
Interacting with other people, having fun and a better health. Feeling the power that you are slowly going to build is the best thing in the world.

I do swimming, as I find it the best exercise for my body, especially after sitting long hours in a chair. However, if there is no option for a gym, you could as well try tennis, squash, volleyball, cycling and many other. Why limit yourself?

Negativities: NONE, okay maybe spending 20bucks at a gym or at a center. Not a big deal compared with what you are gaining.

Conclusion: The best investment....ever!

But if it were that easy, why people do not do it?

Here we have a problem, a problem that has to do with our formula. The first step as I mentioned before, is having an image of the desired result. Here the problem is that people usually create an image of a very fast period of time. Having Arnold's body in a month is quite impossible, therefore they drop their goal and replace it with something different in order to feel better for quitting their target. The solution to this problem here is breaking the image into smaller time frames. You can aspire Arnold's body, but you have to break the result in time frames. The outcome of a month, of two months and so on.

The second problem regards the action and the persistence. It is world known that when we start something, a project, a book, a gym etc, we are motivated and very passionate about it. However, this motivation and passion fade after a period of time. This is absolutely normal, and in order to break this negativity of the fading motivation, we must build discipline.

Discipline is the most valuable skill, a skill that needs years of training in order to build.

To build discipline, you must start slow. A good idea is to repeat an action daily. Reading a book before going to bed, stretching yourself when you wake up, eating a fruit per day and so on. Discipline is a habit that once you create it you will be able to rule the world.

It takes small steps, repeated every day in order to achieve results. I can compare easily life with a chart, as growing each day by a small percentage will yield great results by the end of the year!

Motivation is what gets you started, discipline is what keeps you going.

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