The Standing Barbell Curl is the exercise of the week. This exercise is one of the best for building great biceps, however most people I see actually do them incorrectly so I have decided to show case this exercise this week.

- Grab a barbell or EZ bar with a shoulder width grip with palms facing up.
- Make sure you stand up straight. You can have your feet together or one foot in front of the other one for balance.
- Extend your arms down so they are fully extended just in front of your thighs (Not touching your body).
- Look straight out in front of you and ensure that your elbows are touching your sides. (Don't allow them to move forward). This is the start position.
- Slowly curl the bar up by squeezing your biceps. Once you are at the top squeeze your biceps hard and hold for one second (Exhale out as you do).
- Slowly lower the bar back down to the start position. (Inhale as you do).
Repeat for the required repetitions. This week I will be doing 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps.
The biggest mistake most people make is they use to much weight and they swing their torso to get the weight up.

this exercise I think will make a difference in my routine
Been doing curls today, felt so good :)