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RE: Kill us off with vaccines, the healthcare system and reproductive health- as stated by Bill Gates.

in #health6 years ago

I don't get you because one minute you seem to support me and then the next you're telling me what to do and trying to instill fear into me it seems. It seems like you're trying to gain my trust by sharing similarities and i don't know what your motivation is.

Why do you care about me, you don't even know me and I've already asked you kindly to not interfere in my life and i haven't asked for your advice. I am asking you to please stay out of my affairs and I'll speak my mind and share my research as I see fit.

You're really starting to bother me and if you keep it up I'm going to mute you, like i've done with the other people who are trying to bring me down. I'm a very smart person and I see what' you're trying to do.

You are trying to get me off this platform that is free and uncensored and get me onto Google and Youtube and you know dam well they control those platforms. My information will be stored here for safe keeping.

I have no idea who you are and i'm not interested in connecting with you anymore and i'm not trying to be rude i'm just setting my boundaries and you're making me very uncomfortable and you need to back off ok.

Why are you focussing on me so much? I'm not the only one here exposing the truth. As well, the more exposure I get the less they will be able to try and target me. I am strong and protected and I fear nothing.