My path to an improved health, intelligence and a happy life

in #health6 years ago

First of all, I would like to say that I’ve been thinking about writing that blog post for the past few days but I’ve been too lazy lately to write it. But if you’re reading that, it means I finally fought my laziness and published it.

Source: UTICA College

Anyway, let me tell you a bit more about myself. My name is Adam Schneider (Maybe not a vital information for you to know right now, but we never know) also known as Seccour in the wonderful internet world. But the most important informations you should know about me are that I’m lazy, unproductive, procrastinate a lot, have MDD and don’t know how to revise. Which can make your life really shitty once you’re out of school and don’t need to work to live. Because without strict deadlines, I’m doing nothing. I will play, go out, watch films or shows, but never work. Which make my personal life with my family and friends, and my professional life with all the people I work with really bad sometimes (most of the time)- which make me even sadder / feel worthless and I’m sure that doesn’t help with my depression.

But it’s fine. Now I’m ready. Ready to stop that infernal spiral and get back on my feet.

I currently don’t have any real clear plan on how I’m going to do that, but I have a rough idea on how to do it. As a start (because you always have to start somewhere) I’m trying to create new (good) habits for myself and stick to it.

The first habit I want to have is to read every day, at least 1 chapter, just before sleeping no matter at what time, or where I’m sleeping. Why ? For multiple reasons. One reason is that since I spend a lot of time in front of screens all the time, even more before sleeping, I feel like I need to cool down regarding that and let my brain & eyes relax a bit before sleeping. The other reason is that… Reading is good. It makes you more knowledgeable (depend on what you read obviously) and it’s a good way to relax, so it’s a win-win situation.

The second habit I will work on is to eat less fast food (McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, KFC). You can already guess the reasons regarding that one because they are relatively obvious, it’s all about my health and my weight. I really feel bad about that one because I really feel like a junkie when it comes to that. Like I did eat in average more than 10 times a month between February to April. For Pizza Hut it went from 2 times in February, to 4 times in March, and 5 in April. And for KFC it was something like 2 times in total for those 3 months. So as you can see it’s a habit that I really need to work on as fast as I can.

Month 1: A new beginning

My challenges for this month are to finish the book I’m currently reading and start a new one. If I stick to my habit of reading at least one chapter before sleeping (and I read more than that) I should finish it around the 15th of May. And eating the least amount of fast food as possible, which is something that will be hard, but I really believe I can do it (which is one step in the good direction I guess). I don’t expect to reach 0 this month because I don’t want my detox to be too violent to avoid going back to it later on, but anything less than what I did during the last month will be good.

Another challenge that is not really for this month will be to keep you guys updated about what I do to improve myself (no matter how many people actually read and care about that post and the next one). Why ? For two reasons: Improving my English and get better at writing.

Anyway, this piece is now over my first post about my new way of life. If you have any comment, please post them. If you see any mistakes, just point them to me with the correction please so I can improve myself. And yeah, that’s it. Have a good day stranger :)

I would also like to use that piece to apologize to the Criptoreal community, the developer, and the guy that recommend me to them. I want to apologize to them because the past few months have been really really bad for me, which did lead to me not doing the job I was paid for correctly. I deeply regret it, and I will do my best to finish what need to be done, and move on. I did betray your trust, and I feel really bad about it. I’m also going to give back a large part (or all) of the money I was given to do the job as proof of my good faith. I’m sorry.