Simple Remedies for Common Ailments

in #health7 years ago

In every illness or discomfort we should check well our diet and health habits. We must make changes where changes are necessary. General health is a major factor in any trouble. We may try the following simple home treatments in the case of any challenge for relief.

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There are many cases of anaemia. Most victims never see a physician. They realize they are not up to par, but do nothing about it. They could use the cold water tonight with great benefits. They should rest after dinner for half an hour. Their food should be eaten regularly and in moderate amounts. Yeast extraordinary should be used daily.
The following foods are particularly recommended because of the high iron content in them: Whole wheat, brand, figs, dates, prunes, greens of all sorts, molasses, almonds, while barley, beans, a raw egg beaten up in a glass of unsweetened grape juice daily, and peas.
Hot and cold fomentations to the spine daily are especially good for anaemia.


This may be due to infection spreading from the colon to the appendix. In the majority of cases, the chief source of the infection is flesh meats, white bread, and white flour products. A person subject to appendicitis must adopt an alkaline fruit and vegetables diet, making sure to include fresh fruit and vegetables daily. He should never overeat, and must avoid constipation.


A simple non-irritating diet composed of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great help in catarrh. Take meals fairly dry, and when milk is used, dilute it with 25% water. Diet and exercise regularly, take in a lot of fresh air and drink a lot of water. Dehydration is bad for patients suffering from Catarrh. Avoid refined cereals and white sugar. Do not overeat and do not eat a large meal in the evening or just before bed.

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Keep the legs warmly covered. Take a hot and cold foot-bath every night in the winter if you are troubled with cold feet. Eat a healthy diet with four glasses of water daily between meals. Always avoid rich or refined foods.


A person on a plain, well-balanced, alkaline diet including fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and whole meal bread daily, will not usually suffer from constipation. The food, taken at regular intervals, should be eaten slowly, masticulated well, and taken comparatively dry for best results. Often constipation is caused by the individual taking more food than is required to keep his body running smoothly.

  • A teaspoonful of olive oil taken with each meal will act as a laxative, and improve digestion.
  • Four to six glasses of water should be taken daily between meals. This slows the kidneys to do their work well and aids the bowel elimination. Outdoor exercise with deep breathing is an aid to good elimination.
  • Visit the toilet after each meal, even if there is no call. This stimulates the muscle action of the intestines, and is helpful even if no results are obtained immediately.

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There are simple treatment that often help, thus eliminating the need of resorting to pain-killing drugs. If headaches comes often, it is almost certain that the body needs cleansing. For one or two days each week for a few weeks, only fresh fruit should be eaten.

  • Plenty of fresh air and exercise are needed
  • A hot and cold foot-bath (hot three minutes, cold half a minute, with four changes) will help to relieve the congestion of blood in the head.
    In the case when for various reason, you have to hurry, then develop what is known as TENSION HEADACHE. Have someone gently rub or massage your neck, spine and feet to release the tension and relieve the headache.

Drug habits:

The very first thing to do when desiring to clear the body of any health destroying habit, is to correct the diet and drink more water.
As the body becomes less toxic, the desire for drugs or stimulants of any sort, will lessen and the person's will-power will strengthen. If one truly wants to be free from any strong habit, he must obtain help from his Creator and do his part by obeying Nature's health laws. In the case of sleeping tablets, it may well be that when the general health improves, the need for the tablets will disappear.


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A good means of controlling this troublesome complaint is to reduce the food intake by a third for a week or two, and then repeat this treatment at intervals.

  • Honey and whole meal flour products should be substituted for the commonly used white sugar and white flour products. Tea and coffee, alcohol and tobacco, will aggravate if not cause rheumatism, and should therefore be dropped. Never over-eat, but make sure the diet is an alkaline and natural one. Avoid constipation.
  • Be as free from worry as possible, as rheumatism and emotional upset often go together.

Stay healthy!

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Hello @Scarlemedia!
Thank you for making this beautiful health post!
Pls include #air-clinic as a tag in a health post next time.
Enjoy the upvote and keep steeming in the clinic!

Thank you @air-clinic.
Will do so next time

To me good meal is the cure for most sickness....

Lol. Nice one dear're a foodie right?
Thanks dear

Its always good to know this stuff. If a complete SHTF event hits us, then this type of knowledge would be vital.

Yes sir. It is important to know all these.
Thanks for your contribution