Health is power! - week #1 - Why pills ruin your health

in #health6 years ago

To begin with, you have to remember, understand and fully soak up the following sentence, as it is crucial to comprehend the essence of health:

“Health is the natural state of a human body.”

This may sound very simple and obvious to you, but for sure it is not obvious to most people. What does it mean?
First of all it means that if your body works as it is supposed to, then you are healthy. It is normal to be healthy!!
Following that, once you become sick, you lose this natural and normal state of being healthy. So you are out of it and nature has given us self-healing power to get back to this normal state of being healthy.
So once you get sick, it is normal for a human body to launch the self-healing process.

In books they call this normal state of being healthy homeostasis. Try to imagine homeostasis as a balance or equilibrium. It is not a point, but rather a range. As long as the body works within this range, you do not get sick.

Your body is constantly attacked by viruses, unfavorable weather conditions, sedentary lifestyle, pollution. We have full of that, but we are also provided with an immune system which helps us to maintain the homeostasis, equilibrium.
So a strong immune system allows you to cope with unfavorable conditions.
A weak body gets sick, and a strong body does not get sick. And moreover, it is getting stronger.

How to strengthen the immune system to remain healthy

There are a lot of ways!!
1) Expose your body to unfavorable conditions!
Examples are: go for a walk instead of staying at home. The same applies for a walk in winter, hot summer and in rain. Your body will be forced to activate forces to retain the homeostasis. You can go to a sauna or ice-swimming.
Every time your body will activate it’s forces to retain the equilibrium, these forces will be more alert and readier for the next time. You can leave your winter jacket at home when going out, or gloves and beanie. You do not need to do it for long, especially when your body is weak and untrained. Do also bear in mind that some limit is to be followed. It do not believe in extreme exposure. Instead of activation of your self-healing forces, you will use them up.

2) Physical training
Every physical training, running, going to the gym, swimming etc. makes your body stronger and more capable to fight to remain in the homeostasis.

3) Mental training
Your body has to be seen as a whole, health of body and mind bring together the final result. Mental health like meditation, self-hypnosis, autogenic training and every other relaxation techniques will benefit you. Also breathing exercises, eye exercises will do you a favor. Because you cannot see them separately, when you train your breath, you are training the whole body, when you make eye exercises, you do the same!

4) Healthy diet
The healthier you eat, the better for you body.
You will get rid of toxics, and this alone makes your body work better. Why do people who eat healthy stop getting sick? Because there body gets cleaner, purer and can work freely to fight unwelcome guests! Also chew very carefully what you eat! Your digestive system will have much less work to do, you will get much more out of what you eat for your body, you will retain a lot of energy, which you will be able to use elsewhere!

Having read this we should also mention what does harm to our body and what weakens our self-healing forces to retain the homeostasis:

homeostasis lost.jpeg

Basically you can turn everything mentioned earlier upside down.
Unhealthy lifestyle alcohol, cigarettes, bad nutrition, stress.
However, I want to stress one thing. Medication, at least in the way it is understood by conventional medicine.


Imagine our body as a comprehensive self-organizing system. It means that you do not need to understand what is going on inside your body to be healthy. It works without your diploma, independent from whether you have money or not. It is given. **Also, you do not need to interfere, it can function on its own.

Your body is equipped with soldiers! However, they fight for peace, for your homeostasis. Homeostasis is peace and love for your body.**
Each time the equilibrium is threatened, soldiers in your body wake up and fight the intruders. Once fought, they can relax and go to sleep again. They are soldiers on-demand. They wake up when needed, they go to sleep when their work is done.
Now your task is to make your soldiers strong! If your soldiers are strong, you will not loose your homeostasis. How to make your soldiers strong you have already read above.

What is wrong with medication then? I have fever, I catch a cold, then I take a pill, and it is over!! The very big problem is when you get sick you already have lost you homeostasis. It means your soldiers were weak already. Now it should be highest time to put them to work! But a pill is doing all the work for your soldiers!! This is very, very bad! Because your soldiers can continue their cozy sleep. They will get even weaker.
The next time your homeostasis is under threat, they will still be deep asleep. Another pill will make it, before any soldier ever wakes up. They will starve and disappear! So medication is not rescuing you, it is harming you very badly! You will need pills more and more often. A small infection will be too much for you. Then the vicious circle begins.The same pill which was helping you in the past will not help you anymore, because you soldiers are gone and do not even do part of their job. You will require more pills, stronger ones. Your recovery will last much longer.

Don’t even allow this to happen to yourself. Believe in your body, take care of yourself. Stay healthy mentally and physically, because health is power!