It can affect your body by eating meat

in #health7 years ago

There has been considerable debate on whether the meat is good for health or not. You might have heard many things that what happens to those who are vegetarian is their health. However, there is a lot of truth in such rumors. This is the reason why we should know about the true science behind eating meat.

Many scientific studies have found that saturated fat is found in all types of meats and fish, and this also leads to cholesterol. Due to this cardiovascular diseases arise. Whereas saturated fat is reduced in vegetarian diet.


It has also been proved in the study that those who eat vegetarian food decreases cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiac diseases is also low. In this article, we are going to tell you that if you do not eat meat then what can it have on your body?


Weight reduces-

The weight of those leaving the meat can be reduced to about 10 pounds. They will not have to worry about growing their calories and they will not even need much workout. Vegetarian diet helps keep everything perfect.


Protective bacteria grow in the stomach-

It has been found in a study that more vegetarian bacteria are found in the stomach of those who eat vegetarian food. Whereas it is lacking in those who eat meat. Therefore, there is also an advantage of not eating meat.


Your skin looks healthy:

Most vegetarians, blackheads, do not show on the skin of vegetarian dieters. If you eat fruits and vegetables instead of meat, then all these problems will disappear automatically.


You are more energized:

One important thing in people who do not eat meat is that they feel less tired in the day. Vegetarian diet does not only control weight gain and body toxins, but it also makes you feel lighter.


Risk of heart diseases is low:

By eating red meat, the risk of heart disease is highest. The chemical reaction of the carnitin present in the red meat has a negative effect on our heart.


Cholesterol becomes less than one third:

If you stop eating meat, cholesterol levels decrease in your blood. You can also compare it to a cholesterol-lowering drug.


Gene works better:

If you eat vegetables instead of eating meat, then your genes will be much better. It helps to normalize the body's work.


Nutrition may be lacking:

If you stop eating meat, then there may be a shortage of iodine, iron, vitamin D and B12 in your body. You will then have to meet the lack of supplements containing these nutrients.


You Can Lose Your Test Sense:

Zinc is a necessary element for the test sensation of our tongue. Excess zinc is found in red meat and oyster. But vegetarians can take Zinc from any other food source.


It takes time to become 10-masal:

To keep the muscles strong, protein is the most needed. Plant proteins take more time to start work. Nutritionists recommend vegetarians taking proper amounts of protein after work out.


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Blood Type Food Choices

All of the negatives you mention about meat, are true for blood types who should not be eating meat.

The O Blood Type Requires Red Meat

to operate at optimum. Show me an O blood type vegan, with great hair, nails and attitude, and I'll show you an O blood type vegan who's sneaking meat into their diet. ;)

The B Blood Type

does better with some wild red meat in their diet.

The A and AB Blood Types

do poorly with red meat.

Now You Know. ;)

Thanks @thecleangame & Welcome

The immune system is mainly built from proteins.

And for the cardiovaskular diseases caused by cholesterol,
The way to fix this is omega 3 acid as they clean blood vessel from excessive fat over time.

Next thing: go running.

This also clears the bloodvessels better than anything.

Be careful with the lack of L-Lysin and L-Tryptophan.

Missing these proteins for too long will cause diseases and depression,

as tryptophan becomes serotonin,
And lysin becomes NO-Gas used to combat diseases inside of cells. While antibodies are used for diseases outside of the cells.

Both require proteins.

So it should make sense we need to eat mainly proteins since we already found out carbonhydrate are causing inflammations.

But that's my oppinion i might be wrong.

Nice article!

I've done my own research over the past 2 years I used to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure and high blood sugar readings. I was eating the standard american diet, which was high in carbohydrates and low in fats and I was 300 pounds. After doing tons of research and trying loads of different diets the one that worked for me was the Ketogenic diet. Foods that are very inflammatory and ones high in omega 6 do damage to the body. The oils that are the main culprits are the ones that are contained in a majority of the prepackaged food that you eat (vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated soybean oil). Studies have proven that reducing these along with sugar and carbohydrate intake reduces blood glucose levels and lipid abnormalities.

By increasing my fat intake and reducing my sugars and carbs and watching out for inflammatory foods I've lost 80 pounds. My cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar tests are now in the normal range, and I'm excising daily. All of which were not possible for me on a low fat high carb diet.

Thanks @airguitarhero In India certain stage of age people are getting these disease like Blood Pressure and Sugar. It is common in India. Even I have also BP.

Thanks @imsupernice You are right.