But slouching in front of the computer is so much easier than sitting up straight! XD
A guitar teacher I had once gave a really useful thing for making sure you kept good posture and it was along the lines of pretending there was a string in the bit where your neck connects to your skull and you were kind of hanging from it. I phrased it less eloquently but it's worked out for me XD
That's definitely difficult for me. I always like acoustic over electric and sitting down and playing meant I would hunch over it in a way. I try to play standing up if I can.
Standing up is probably better as long as you don't keep looking down at your strings? XD
I played bass and am a shortarse so slouching wasn't really an option for me sitting or otherwise as I wouldn't be able to hold down the strings at the top, even with the "odd" way I held the bass XD (at least the guitar teacher told me that it was odd but it worked so no one complained too much ;D)
I used to play out in public sitting down or at a bench so no, I imagine just wrapping my body around it in a way. Haha I imagine holding it any way a preference but it would affect the body over time. I have a friend who played bass guitar and was hunched over almost looking straight down and had the strap hung low. I imagine it looked cool at the time but ouch.
My neck and spine hurt thinking about that DX Your friend was probably a lot stronger than me XD
Hurts mine too lol idk maybe it's a metal band thing