Want to Have Your 'Summer Body'? 7 Tips How to Reach Your Goal!

in #health7 years ago


I wanted to share with you my experience in changing my lifestyle and give you some tips, which helped me making progress through this year ✊

Tip #1

Don't expect to achieve and get everything right away - Rome didn't get build in a day. Be patient and you will be paid for your effort. Step by step take a diet program, start living more active life, find your motivation - friend, husband/wife, a dress you want to fit in 😅 or YOURSELF!
DON'T starve or go to the gym 7 days a week, if you think it's healthy lifestyle - IT'S NOT 🙅

Tip #2

Find your favourite activity.
Doesn't matter if it's jogging, swimming, volleyball, tennis, yoga or other, most important thing is that you have to love what you are doing, because if you are doing it by force - it won't last long.
My passion is weight lifting 💜 I don't like cardio exercises, so I'm not sweating on a running track or bicycle. Of course I always do my warming up for 10min running, but pretty much that's it.
Don't push yourself too much, if you want to rest - just take a break and you will come back with a new motivation.


Tip #3

I can't tell you how many calories or carbs/protein/fat you should consume per day, because it depends on your purpose, weight, activity level and other criteria, but you must(!) dose your food and eat at least 4-5 times per day, so your organism could imbibe as much as possible macro elements.
I have 8 to 5 job at the office, so it's not so hard for me to eat 5 times a day, take a look how my preparation looks like in photo below 😜


Tip #4

Take breaks between your diet - grab a cheat meal. Don't make a mistake I did. When I started my diet, I was very strict, I ate nothing except what was on my program. After 7th week I was exhausted, I thought I could eat a cake by myself... and I did it! 😂 Feeling after this was terrible, I felt disgusting... Since then I am taking my cheat meal every 2 weeks.
Don't regret or try to compensate it other day. Forget it, past is the past, go back on track like it never happened.


Tip #5

Drink enough water - it's good not only for you stomach, but for your skin, too.

Tip #6

Get enough sleep. How can you do an effective training, if you are tired? 😴

Tip #7

Don't have any junk food at home. You can't sin if you have nothing to eat 😏

I hope my tips will help you to stay on track or get more motivation to reach your goal!
You are welcome to upvote, comment and share your experience!

See you soon 🙌