Just one urine test will tell how old the body is, how much more will run

in #health7 years ago

Many times people look healthy outside, but internal organs respond. It's too late until its address runs. In order to cope with this situation, experts have invented a technique that will help ease the state of internal organs. Experts say that this technique is nothing but simple urine test. This investigation will allow the remaining estimated age to be found on the basis of the internal age of the body and the diseases that may occur in the future.

Experts in the research in China's National Center for Gerontology have said that scientists have discovered an element 8-OXGSN in the human urine. It tells about the damage to the cells in the body. Experts say that with the biological age of a person, this element increases in urine. That is why it will be easy for doctors to know the condition of the internal organs of a person by checking urine.

Experts claim that the rate of mortality can be reduced by this investigation. Researchers used such technology to test this, which allows 10 samples to be tested in one hour. However, some other experts argue that age is not the only reason for emergence of any disease. The chief researcher Dr. Jian Ping Shi says that 8-OXGSN shows the real picture of our limbs. With the help of this, we will be able to detect the diseases related to aging and start treatment for a long time.

To reach this conclusion, experts examined the figures of 1228 Chinese citizens from two to 90 years. During the test, experts noticed that people aged 21 years and older found growing levels of 8-OXOGSN in urine. This element got mixed in women and men. However, this element was present in much quantity in the women who had passed through the ray of hope.




Very interesting. I wonder how much the test costs.

You can also reduce your internal age by eating the right foods and doing regular exercise. @healthnutbill

I find this interesting because I worked for years developing test kits.