Where Did The First Anti-Vaxxers Come From?

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The Beginning Of The Anti-Vaccination Movement

Leicester, England, March 23, 1885

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein (1879–1955)”

Since 1800 the smallpox vaccination had been in use, there was no forced vaccinations on the general public until 1840 and 1853. By 1853 the government mandated every child vaccinated within 3 months of birth date. The vaccination laws had been growing in power, complexity, and girth. By the time the protests erupted in Leicester England, refusal of the smallpox vaccination was enforced by fines and prison sentences.

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr.


Government Control

1867 Vaccination Act

The consolidation of previous vaccination laws were enforced with fines and prison time if parents didn’t bring their 3 month old infant in for it’s firsts smallpox vaccination. Despite years of high vaccination rates and religiously enforced laws England was hit with a tidal wave of smallpox outbreaks across the country and many parts of the world.

The town of Leicester suffered many thousands of smallpox cases and hundreds of deaths even though it had a high vaccination rate. The citizens of Leicester started questioning the validity of the countries vaccination program. Why weren't they protected from smallpox?

People started refusing to let their children be vaccinated. Not only because of the smallpox vaccinations inability to protect the population but because the vaccination sickened and killed hundreds of infants and children. With this last epidemic open rebellion ensued. The government reacted with more force when parent’s refused to allow their children to be vaccinated using vaccination officers to harass and prosecute parents.

During the early days of vaccines children suffered horrible side effects and death from vaccination. Many people who witnessed the illness and death of infants and children started saying no to vaccination programs enforced by the government.

by 1884 the poor suffered the most through the government mandated vaccination programs. They were unable to pay fines or fight jail sentences in court. The poorest had their furniture confiscated and auctioned off to the highest bidder. Furniture was the only property they owned that were worth any money.

Revolt was the only recourse for the poor who suffered the most during the worlds first vaccination programs. The governments fanatical enforcement through fines and prison large numbers of the poor and middle class formed organized demonstrations in the town of Leicester’s streets. Leicesters protesters came from many counties in England and included a crosscut of people from the social and economic strata.

“of the country, while many letters of sympathy were received not only from England, Scotland, and Ireland, but from Jersey, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, and America. Most of the large towns in the kingdom sent special banners, the Yorkshire, Irish, and Scotch being very prominent. The anti-vaccinationists in Jersey sent a very elaborate banner setting forth that the Acts had been four times defeated there, while the Belgium banner had this inscription in French—“Neither fines nor imprisonment will prevent vaccine being a poison nor the vaccination laws an infamy.”“Anti-Vaccination Demonstration at Leicester,” The Times, March 24, 1885.

The streets of Leicester were lined with people playing music and waving flags and banners proclaiming “Liberty Is Our Birthright, and Liberty We Demand.” From history I have seen this happen time and again over oppressive laws and people who feel they have no power over their person and property. The families of the innocents caught in this power play demanded “The Three Pillars of Vaccination a fraud, force, and folly. The mothers of children demanded, “We no longer beg but demand the control of our children.” Sound familiar?

“The mayor of the city received the procession, and a member of the municipal council presided. An effigy of Jenner considered the father of vaccination was hung from the gallows and given the “long drop” at intervals as the procession advanced. Those men who had suffered the extreme penalty of imprisonment made a prominent figure, and others, whose goods had been seized, displayed samples of the otherwise rather commonplace utensils to admiring eyes. The obnoxious parliamentary acts were enthusiastically burned. A wagon carrying unvaccinated children bore the motto: “They that are whole need not a physician.”

The most important feature was a large number of men who had undergone the extreme process of imprisonment rather than submit to the law. Next came a larger detachment, consisting of men who had their household goods seized and sold by public auction, samples of the goods which had been seized and sold being conveyed in wagons. The next detachment consisted of a conveyance filled with unvaccinated children… This was followed by a large number of delegates, many of whom were from London, Leeds, Manchester, Halifax, Blackburn, Keighley, Bedford."“Birmingham, Lincoln, and Norwich. Among other features in the procession were a horse and cow, drawn in wagons and exhibited as sources of vaccination.”“Anti-Vaccination Demonstration at Leicester,” The Times, March 24, 1885.

Both the devices and mottoes were of the most profuse order. One of the devices was an effigy of Dr. Jenner inscribed “child-slayer;” a second was a complete funeral cortège, consisting of a coffin on open bier, mourners, etc., and inscribed “another victim of vaccination"

“Anti-Vaccination Demonstration at Leicester,” The Leeds Mercury, March 24, 1885.”

A procession over 2 miles long marched through town for several hours with the cheers of bystanders lining the streets of Leicester.

“Many present had been sufferers under the Acts, and all they asked was that in the future they and their children might be let alone. They lived for something else in this world than to be experimented upon for the stamping out of a particular disease. A large and increasing portion of the public were of opinion that the best way to get rid of smallpox and similar diseases was to use plenty of water, eat good food, live in light and airy houses, and see that the Corporation kept the streets clean and the drains in order. If such details were attended to, there was no need to fear smallpox, or any of its kindred; and if they were neglected, neither vaccination nor any other prescription by Act of Parliament could save them.”“J.T. Biggs, Leicester: Sanitation Versus Vaccination, 1912, p. 117.”

“That the principle of the Compulsory Vaccination Acts is subversive of that personal liberty which is the birthright of every free-born Briton; that they are destructive of parental rights, tyrannical and unjust in operation, and ought therefore to be resisted by every constitutional means.”“Anti-Vaccination Demonstration at Leicester,” The Leeds Mercury, March 24, 1885.”

“That the Compulsory Vaccination Acts, which make loving and conscientious parents criminals, subjecting them to fines, loss of goods, and imprisonment, propagate disease and inflict death, and under which five thousand of our fellow-townsmen are now being prosecuted, are a disgrace to the Statute Book, and ought to be abolished forthwith.“J.T. Biggs, Leicester: Sanitation Versus Vaccination, 1912, p.120.”

Know The Rights Of The Children

Know how To Stand

Records show an estimated number of the protesters to be between 80,000 to 100,000, which would rival any protest we have today. Councillor Butcher of Leicester represented the towns rebellion and congratulated everyone involved organizing the amazing display of unity against the medical injustices of government mandated vaccine programs.

William Young the secretary of the London Society also spoke at the Leicester vaccine protest. He gave a resounding speech at a meeting after the rebellious demonstration at the behest of Rev. J Page Hopps the president of the Temperance society. The meeting was held at the Temperance Hall, there were delegates from over 60 towns on the platform. Mr. W Stanton announced a resolution to start isolation and hygiene protocols and revoke the states power to mandate vaccines.

“The fearful mortality from smallpox in completely vaccinated and presumably well “protected” Leicester during the years 1871-2 had the effect of destroying the people’s faith in “protective” vaccination. The result was that poor and rich alike, the toilers, the aristocrats, and the municipal authorities, began to refuse vaccination for their children and themselves. This refusal continued until 1890, when, instead of ninety-five per cent the vaccination reached only about five per cent of the total births.”“ J. W. Hodge, MD, “How Smallpox Was Banished from Leicester,” Twentieth Century Magazine, vol. III, no. 16, January 1911, p. 337.

We Know Who We Are!

We Are Free People

The demonstration was successful along with new mandates enforcing isolation of the sick and installing sanitation protocols. Many well educated people, doctors, lawyers, and scientist were in attendance. Dr. Spencer T. Hall, a man in his 70s was in tears, overcome with emotions when speaking of the demonstration. He was overjoyed that he had lived long enough to see the vaccination program being challenged by so many people of every walk of life.

Facing fines and prison time thousands of heroic people rebelled against the established view of science and the allopathic profession

The medical profession proclaimed that the Leicester residents would suffer greatly for their decision to turn their backs on vaccination. They prognosticated that this unvaccinated town with its “highly flammable material”(2) would suffer with the “dread disease”(1) that would spread like “wild-fire on a prairie”(2) and decimate the population.“ 1. J. W. Hodge, MD, “How SmallPox Was Banished from Leicester,” Twentieth Century Magazine, vol. III, no. 16, January 1911, p. 337.”-- 2. “B. O. Flower, “Fallacious Assumptions Advanced by Advocates of National and State Medical Legislation,” Twentieth Century Magazine, vol. IV, no. 24, September 1911, p. 537.”--

The allopathic medical institution warned Leicester citizens they would all experience great suffering and death if they did not follow their vaccination program. They warned that Leicester would spread smallpox across the world and set it on fire with plagues and death! The citizens and their leaders did not budge. They knew from experience the new hygiene, sanitation and isolation protocols worked from experience.

Their plan worked and set an example that grew throughout the Western world. If you look around you now, clean streets, water, food and safe housing it is because of the courageous people of Leicester England. They stood up to an overreaching government and medical institutions and won their freedom through rational arguments and non compliance.

Pictures-Vaxopedia-Also Pro-Con Arguments


Interview - Dr. Suzanne Humphries

History Of Vaccine Series-Seven

History Of Vaccine Series-Six

History Of Vaccine Series-Five

History Of Vaccine Series-Four

History Of Vaccine Series-Three

History Of Vaccine Series-Two

History Of Vaccine Series-One

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There are 2 pages

This is quite some research you are doing! So far I have seen lots of anecdotal information for and against vaccinations, but this is an actual event in history that has been recorded to show that vaccinations do not work. Thanks for your efforts and hard work. This is great stuff to know.

Oh man @happyme, there are huge data banks full of information that has not been shared with the common people like you and me...allopathic medicine is great for fixing our broken bones and plumbing but they know shit about our more subtle systems like our endocrine system, immune system, and the mind...they argue about it's location all the time...the brain argument...

My spouse is a researcher and to get access to papers written by doctorate students one needs access via a university computer or pay thousands of dollars to obtain that access. Those papers were written by students and then grabbed and hidden from the general pubic. This is where we should be screaming about access to what should be public information. Years ago, universities were considered a public entity and their research could be trusted. Now they are for-profit businesses controlled by money and no longer working for pure knowledge. Everything has been corrupted by greed and we cannot trust anything any more. It is NOT progress in my mind, but rather regression.

It is violence against the common people...and more and more people are waking up to those who are supposed to be serving us are killing us in subtle ways that are profitable to only those in control of institutions, government and transitional business and banks.

And when enough people are awake to the reality, they will demand change. The oppressors should be charged with the crimes they are committing (slavery, murder, etc.) and only then will we be able to live normal lives once again. Steem and other cryptocurrencies are just the thin edge of the wedge for breaking out of oppression. I hope I live long enough to be able to experience real freedom.

Some pro poison pusher is mad we are making money of our research but it is ok he is making money off his research and followers in support of drug thugs

Welcome to the internet

I'm over it all ready

I know the truth
Real eyes
Real lies

Thanks for telling me, I hope we all pro-con can speak out and people have the freedom to choose. All I want is the freedom to choose what I want to put in my body and my children bodies. Pro vaxxers can inject what ever poison they want into their bodies and their families body. Just leave me and my family alone!

exactly it gets frustrating!!
My body my choice my responsibility!
They act like unvaccinated people are running around sick lol
Be responsible when you are sick unvaccinated or not

A very good read. Sounds like folks back then had the brains and the grit to stand up for themselves. If only folks could learn from history. Indeed it was their bodies and should have been their decision not to be forced into vaccinations. vaccinations in that day perhaps were some of the beginning attempts by the government of population control. Apparently the public was being taught to be conditioned long ago. And this helps to explain the process of how and why we are where we are today. Human conditioning is going on for centuries and probably will continue to go on. It is a matter of when the sheeple decide enough is enough. Again thanks my friend

I don't know if the agenda was population control back then but I do know the ruling elite and industrial leaders did not want to invest in expensive sanitation programs. They wanted the profits from vaccines and keep the poor in squalid living conditions, healthy enough to work in their factories as a form of population control. Unfortunately the elite and the rich were also sickening and dying and really got into the vaccine program for a time until they found out it really didn't work...maybe that's when they figured out vaccines were an excellent way to keep people sick while they stayed healthy from all those sanitation programs. I don't know enough about the population control agenda to say yeah or nah

Step by step I am going to be a fan of your Vaccine series of articles. Excellent work my dear friend! This is entirely a new topic to me, but this is so great!


This was nice read. Thank you for the article. I support immunization which is the process of making someone immune, but vaccination on the other hand is where you inject someone with dead microorganisms (and "preservatives ").

Hi @guerincamikan, I found a great article that goes into immunization and vaccination. Immunization means what ever causes the illness goes through the many areas of our body, nose, mouth, lungs, lymph glands, GI and so one....that are part of our true immune system before it hits our blood system. Vaccination goes directly into our blood system via capillaries in the skin...

any of you all reading this want to read a great article about immunization vs vaccination https://www.vaccineinjuryhelpcenter.com/difference-between-immunization-and-vaccination/

Thank you!

Russian heliobiology research shows a direct link between solar activity and viral diseases. In later literature they noted disruptions to these natural patterns via the insertion of vaccines into the population.

heliobiology sun & virus.PNG

I’m going to be looking into this! Thank you😉

Great article! I really like it! Just a few comments.

  1. I used to be a provaccine about 2 years ago until I read an article from a french researcher who was talking about the preservatives added in the vaccines (along with antibiotics!!!!!!!!) . Preservatives containing heavy metals (aluminum, mercury) that can be very harmful to our immune system, but also to our brain. I also watched the movie Vaxxed and I was more than shocked. I did a lot of research on the topic and I found that most of the diseases that we have to be vaccininated for can be easily prevented or cured with high doses of vitamin C. I actually just wrote a post on the importance of vitamin C at high dose if you are interested or you can google "Dr. Klenner vitamin C" for much further details about it.

  2. The trend of mandatory vaccines is going to get worse. Just look at France for instance, the president Emmanuel Macron is trying to add more vaccines and make them mandatory (big red flag right there)!!!

  3. If you know how to read French, I highly recommend you to buy those two books on Amazon: "Vaccins, Secrets et Verites" and "Pandora, la Bible du vivre et du laisse mourir" written by Philippe Jandrok. Those a great resources (red pill) to further understand what is going on and how most people can live without the big majority of the vaccines that are being given today.

I really like your post and I will be reading your next posts. I am also resteeming this post and promoting it, as I think it is of very high relevance.

Keep up the good job! :)

Most of the disease we suffer come from life style choices. If we all took a stand and lived a healthy life allopathy could go back to what they are good at, fixing broken bones! Mandatory vaccines is a huge profit generator ... I don’t read French ....I need to learn a second language and French is a beautiful language ....so many choices regarding which second language I should learn. Thank you @juv79505

Thanks for commenting and I definitely agree with you, lifestyle is key. Since governments are so delayed in terms of sustainability, I believe it is our responsibility to make sure that we eat healthy. For instance, an apple from 50 years ago is equivalent to 21 apples of today in terms of vitamin and mineral contents. So we have to make sure that we eat organic, but also that the soil that generated the food was a heavily carbonated soil (aka black earth) ,which is rich in microorganisms, carbon and minerals necessary to generate healthy fruits and vegetables. We have to make sure that the bees stay alive as pollination is a very important process as well.

Yeah you should learn French it's an awesome language! ;)

People are in jail for SBS if it is true
They should be ! but what if it is vaccine induced scurvy ? Who should be in jail ?

Actually, the common citizen cannot sue a pharmaceutical company. Not even at the federal court level in the US.

You can win in court for injury due to vaccines.
"Unavoidably Unsafe"

There are some 5,000 petitions alleging a causal link between certain vaccines and autism spectrum disorders that are currently pending in an omnibus proceeding in the Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court).

Wooow I did not know this! Thank you for the info I greatly appreciate it! I really believe that it is by exchanging ideas and spreading info like this that we can all become stronger. I am going to save this pdf. Thanks again!

ty I just posted a new one

OK I am checking it out

Upvoted ty
I posted some good stuff this weekend ;)IMG_8952.JPG

I’m learning the art of the argument besides intense art projects, learning to argue has kept me busy, I’ll be heading once I’m done with an inking project.

You need to hire Morgan Freeman to do the voice over in a documentary from all the research you have done here :)

Ya think he has the balls to take this project on?

Very well written article. It is always a controversy existed about vaccinations, but it is true that vaccinations protected human being especially from the killer diseases in the 20th century. I thought the pros and cons of vaccinations, for example, https://vaccines.procon.org/ is worth sharing.
Great job and thank you for the information.

wow, what a history, I had no idea! This is an absolutely fascinating series!

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

thanks for sharing the history of it..now i understand the power of vaccine..my sister is having measels..and i have not had it before..so i am in a risk of getting it..as i have not vaccinated for that i have a high risk and the doctor said it is too late to get the vaccine as i have already exposed to the virus..so vaccines are very useful and we should take them on time :)

I had measles and chickenpox so did my sister and back in the day everyone got them. The sickly did suffer, a few with weak immune systems died but normal healthy people had no problem, it was like catching the flu, except kinda itchy. We stayed home and didn’t itch the blisters because of scaring. Everyone I knew had a case of chickenpox or measles. The adults had already had the diseases and weren’t sick again but that’s how we got our booster shots by exposure to the disease while caring for the infected children. This is lasting herd immunity that doesn’t kill the healthy herd😉 whilst vaccine kill and disable millions of healthy children and adults.

Herd immunity ? What a measles party ? Fever and rash is true immunity

@reddust this is a reat post, The infoemation is so good. Have a good night ♥

Thank you kindly @denissemata, I’ll check out your blog tomorrow when my sp regains it’s power. I flagged a spammer plagiarizer who is using photos from the net and running through an art filter and making 100s of dollars as day calling the photos his drawings and paintings...I usually don’t flag, i deplete my sp and save my sp for my commenters that are engaging. What’s crazy is only 5 people vote on his 5 or more post a day and he/she is making so much money ...this has been going on for weeks. I told steemcleaners but there are so many post poor steemcleaners can’t keep up.

Never had a vaccination and I never will , im doing just fine.

I haven’t been to a doctor in over 20 years, thank you @darrengunning💉💊

Its just a shame that the massive is so ill informed.
P.s new to site just finding my feet✌

Such nice post....let me add a little...vacination works with the immune system let us nt forget that everybody's immune system aint same...while some are strong others are weak...instead of just vacinating everybody randomly why not check to know how strong an individuals immune system is before vaccinating?some viral disease could be stronger than a persons immune system even if thered be vacination,let it be based on individuals immunity

I agree we all are different and this one size fits all model will change, it’s happening now as science discovers what is an immune system and how it really works. The more I study vaccines I’m learning the science is based on fraud and deceit...vaccines will eventually be viewed the same way we view the kind of medical practices that spouted bleeding a person reduced the humors was a way of curing disease.

Medical historians will view allopathic medicine as a horror story neve to be repeated or forgotten the war on disease and who cares about the patient will be shelved as a bad part of human history.


Thank you @vickybantin

Genetic mutations make kids more susceptible to illness.
MTHFR Gene mutation is an example and there are many others.

I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which until 1992 was part of Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia vaccination was mandatory and inevitable. The greatest irony is for those born in Yugoslavia who are now the opponents of the vaccine. It looks so selfish, and stupid too.

It has been this way in the west since the 1800s, thank you @damic.sehanovic

I come here to ask if there is new posts coming soon from you ?

How sweet! I’m reading and taking notes right now, I showed have enough material to make two post on the history of vaccines this week. I have several art projects I am working on as well. Thank you @soulfianechakrouf.

the next publications will be more focused, general and informative as well as do not overlook the artistic side

Dates back to the 1700s with anti smallpox groups.
Look at Punch cartoons.

This was a well organized movement that changed the course of history and saved millions of lives through sanitation, hygiene, and isolating the sick....compared to the earlier pushback but thanks for adding additional info @kauba01!

Not at All..Great post really..

I checked your blog you haven't posted anything for 8 days. I was looking forward to giving you an up vote for an excellent conversation. Thank you again for talking with me @kouba01

Health and medical scholars have described vaccination as one of the top ten achievements of public health in the 20th century.

I do not know why do not give me myself to see such a poor child, I feel disappointed because I can not help them :'(

sorry :'(

You can help by speaking out and staying healthy. That's how we all can help, education and health, also learning how to argue correctly. I am excited about learning how to argue, I've read it improves overall mental health and promotes freedom for all.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Are you talking to me @rewardpoolrape? .....omg you handle is hilarious .

Well done, I can not find what I'll answer you , I and you should argue one day On a topic worth arguing.
I've posted some of my drawings that you have time to see

I will be back to check out everyone's blogs that gave me some good conversation in a few minutes. I need to get up and move, getting old and the circulation isn't so good...got keep this old body moving or it forgets to stay together....lolol

I noticed that you talk a lot about poverty and marginalization. I think you went through difficult things in your childhood, did not ?
I do not lie to you, You are the most respected person in this site, because you are humble and communicate with everyone, thank you for everything
In this country where I live, there is a large percentage of unemployment and lost youth. I am also one of them, but I knew about this site and I hope that I will forget about it.

I come from the population of poor people who lived in Scotland and England as well as the Native American people. My European ancestors were forced into immigration as free people or slaves called serfs that sold themselves and were worked to death because they were a cheap labor force. We were driven from our common lands by the industrialization of farming or from the American government interfering with traditional ways of American Native culture. My immediate family were the farmers and small business owners of America. I have seen first hand what happens to the common folk when government gets involved with mandating culture and our economy. We escaped the poverty of Europe and thought we had won our freedom here in America. Maybe we did for a short time but the elites won control over our government, centralizing it and taking over our banking institutions using fiat currency and taxes to own and control the people and economic policies that benefit their transnational corporations.

Our family units struggle to survive in this consumer post industrial economy and it's only getting worse. The largest population that is dying now are middle aged white people who are taking drugs given to them by big Pharma to control their pain from living an unnatural unhealthy life.

My community, the rural farmers and businesses were marginalized a long time ago. On the west coast of America thee is a growing population of homeless that are creating the same environment that grew the deadly plagues I've been writing about.

An outbreak of hepatitis A is spreading through Los Angeles County after leaping from a large homeless contingent in San Diego, threatening thousands of people and fueling criticism that local officials have not done enough to contain the deadly liver disease.

Only 1% of humanity own most of this worlds hard assets. Most of us are common people @beforandafter. We all have had difficult childhoods in one way or the other because of public policies and the rapidly changing economic environment.

We must forget the past and live the present and then think about the future

very intreseting @reddust those anti-vaccine feelings were evident in the Leicester Demonstration March of 1885, which has been described as “one of the most notorious anti-vaccination demonstrations. agitation caused, the various anti-vaccination forces had their greatest success.. thanks for this great article

It wasn't notorious, it was victorious changing the course of diseases through sanitation, hygiene, and isolating the sick to protect those who aren't sick.

I mean it was fierce and had very positive repercussions around the world, contributed to the establishment of health and environmental safety standards

Yes it was!

I am now in contradict of giving vaccines of what happened now in the Philippines Dengvaxia dengue vaccine that kills number of children. They should have proper study of it beforw giving them to people specially our children. We are all dealing precious life.

There are no independent proper studies allowed in the vaccine market place😒 it’s sad and scary, I feel so badly for all the adults and children that have been harmed by the vaccine industry. Thank you @georgie84

Very interesting information red so it's very important to know that kind of things to understand how lucky we are and and thank all these scientists

You are welcome @dim753

Sorry for my english but sometimes i don't know how exactly explain what i want to say hehe. Regards

You can write in your own language @dim753 and I will use google translator, I really like talking to you. You are funny and a kind person.

Thanks red by support me but one of my goals it's talking in english well i mean i have a 50% i need improve my skills hehe. Regards

Smallpox is one of the most deadly diseases in mankind at all. It has changed the course of human history dramatically and has contributed to the deterioration and destruction of civilizations.
And was addressed with a group of vaccines and antibiotics, including vaccination, which led to the exit of people to the street to stand against this antidote also kills the injured

Unfortunately there is a growing body of studies that show vaccines are actually harmful to not just people but animals as well. What saved the people from plagues was cleaning up their environment and providing decent wages to pay for healthy food and housing.

Certain gels and medicines have side effects
Most pharmaceutical manufacturers seek to profit and do not take the health of the citizen
A healthy and healthy environment gives a healthy, physically and mentally healthy person
How are you @reddust
I wish you were well

@klasanaj, I am recovering from a cold, I don't think I got the flu, I just got tired and slept a lot. Now I am up an running after a kind of lackluster week. I hope you are doing well, feeling healthy and happy.

In the cold season, the interfluence is very frequent and very cold
Care should be taken to take care of the skin and eat warm, cold meals
I wish you a quick recovery

The first to discover this method was the Turks. They discovered that when they were vaccinating their children against cowpox taken from cows, they did not get infected. In 1716-1718, the wife of the English ambassador, Mrs. Montagio, introduced that type of vaccination to England, Methods of the Ottomans in vaccination

An important topic thank you for that @reddust

There is a large argument that cowpox does not work because it is a disease from a different species and not related to human smallpox. The idea of vaccination was born on the back of old wives tales and superstition. At that time no one knew about our immune system, in fact science still doesn't know a whole lot about the immune systems. They just discovered gut bacteria are part of our immune system and vaccines are found to destroy gut bacteria...I wrote about this in my previous article thank you @hassanben

you welcome madam @reddust

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein i like this quote
And he said too
'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Great topic

I like the universes intelligence, it follows rules I understand, cause and effect and has a divine indifference to the human ego...lolol

Humans including myself scare me with our irrational reactions to cause and effect ....hehehe

People should know about this horrible stuff.
I think you made a right choice to write an article about this vaccination and opposition.

I am just getting to know the pro-con arguments and I am having information overload lololol Thank you sad potato.

Today, we have very corrupt people who have abused the doctrine.

Corrupt people always manage to gain control and wreck the ship. Then we start all over again, in Buddhism we call this samsara. As individuals we can get off the sinking ship with a life boat and paddle our way to the other shore!

Well medicine does good things for you but it can do bad things as well

Medicine is a broad term, I am talking allopathic medicine, which is maybe 300 years old...It's a tool that can be used to save or destroy lives.

It's sounds like a 50/50 chance which is not good

When the only focus is controlling disease/symptoms and no focus on health, there is a huge problem. Disease and symptom management are far more profitable then profits made off of healthy people and products😏

Great review.What I like most about you is your broad spectrum of writing.Most of the writers here is just confined to one or two fields of writing.But you write about most of the fields.At times you are good painter,a blog writer, innovator and a inspiring writer.Keep it up!!! I love the spirit in you.For me you are sort of a role model

I’m a curious cat ...meow🐱 thank you @nishaopt you are very kind.🌹

ypp its a help post ....i love to read this post and also thanks for this helpfull post .....keep this type posting becuse every body love to read this type post

Thank you for this post. It is important that the message regarding the truth about vaccines is shared.

Just Awesome.... :)

Excellent. health science history life blog postI liked the post so much so a vote and followed and shared

Thanks for this interesting information. It is very informative.

Excellent post.extremely useful details.thanks for sharing

the greatest history I've ever read. thank you for sharing friends. upvote and resteem

this is very good information my friend, this is very useful for all society.
keep on sharing, I will always follow you friend.

your history is incredible. i am from aceh indonesia.i am a newcomer. I am also part of his brother @safrijals.
@ safrijals.se often tells you about you. thank you..

This post has received gratitude of 3.36 % from @appreciator thanks to: @reddust.

Omg :( long time no see you another mom:"

Hello @anejosue, I hope you are doing well, it’s nice to see you again.

@reddust...really a nice post ...those anti-vaccine feelings were evident in the Leicester Demonstration March of 1885, which has been described as “one of the most notorious anti-vaccination demonstrations..thank you for sharing with info with us..have a nice day...

Fantastic.. A very Awesome read.. Well done great job.

Excellent information you shared many things i came to learn today thanks to you

interesting post thanks for sharing this

you have made a great series on this thanks for sharing all these details and facts with us

Its just a shame that the massive is so ill informed.

thanks for posting this dear @reddust i am very thankful to you for making these posts

now they use chemtrails because people stopped taking the vaccines

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